General Info
I've taken quite a few "pretty
pictures" of astronomical objects while on observing trips to Lowell Observatory, in Flagstaff, AZ. Dan Eldredge and I
took some images awhile ago that you can see here. I've also
taken some images on my own.
The information on these objects came from several sources:
I also generally surfed the web for each object.
M 51
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 1999 Mar 6 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a SITe
2048x2048 pixel CCD . Six images of 300s each were taken through a
standard V filter and then reduced and mosaicked, using IRAF. Each
image's field of view is 5'x5', so the resulting FOV is approximately
Object Information
M 51 is also called: the Whirlpool Galaxy, NGC 5194, UGC 8493, APG 85,
BD+472063, 4C 47.36A, GB1 1327+475, IRAS F13277+4727, IRAS 13277+4727,
K72 379a, KHG 1-C 5, MCG+08-25-012, PGC 47404, PLX 3084, RX
J1329.8+4711, 1RXS J132953.8+471143, TC 827, VV 1a, VV 1, VV 403, Z
1327.8+4727, Z 246-8.
It is a Sc Seyfert 2 galaxy located in Canes Venatici. It
has a recessional velocity of 463 km/s.
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 5 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. This image is a composite of a 7 min B image, a
5 min V image and a 5 min R image. The images were reduced and
combined using IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view
is 3'x3'.
Object Information
M53 is also called: NGC 5024, C 1310+184.
M53 is a globular cluster in Coma Bernices.
M 67
Image Information
This image was composed of images taken on two different nights using
Mt. Laguna Observatory 1-m telescope. A 60s V image and a 10s I
image were taking on UT 1996 Oct 12; a 60s R image was taken on UT
1998 Oct 14. In this combination, V is represented by blue, R by
green, and I by red. Each images' field of view 14'x14', but the
composite is somewhat smaller since the images did not exactly
Object Information
M67 is also called: NGC 2682, C 0847+120, OCl 549.0, and WD
M67 is an old open cluster located in Cancer.
M 76
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 14 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 180s through a B filter, 120s through a V filter, and
120s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
M 76 is also called: the Little Dumbbell Nebula, Barbell Nebula, NGC
650, NGC 651, PN G130.9-10.5, BWE 0139+5119, CSI+51-01391, 87GB
013909.6+511935, GCRW 950, HD 10346, IRAS 01391+5119, IRAS
F01391+5119, PK 130-10 1, PN AR0 2, PN VV 6, PN VV' 9, WB
In this image, NGC 650 is the lower left portion and NGC 651 is the
top right portion. M 76 is a planetary nebula located in Perseus.
NGC 188
Image Information
This image was composed of images taken on two different nights using
Mt. Laguna Observatory 1-m telescope. A 300s V image and a 180s I
image were taking on UT 1996 Oct 12; a 180s R image was taken on UT
1998 Oct 14. In this combination, V is represented by blue, R by
green, and I by red. Each images' field of view 14'x14', but the
composite is somewhat smaller since the images did not exactly
Object Information
NGC 188 is also called: C 0039+850, Cl Melotte 2, and Ocl 309.0.
NGC 188 is a very old open cluster located in Cepheus.
NGC 945
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Jan 31
using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Images were taken through BVR filters, with a
total of 21 min in B, 15 min in V, and 15 min in R. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is 3'x3' or less.
Object Information
NGC 945 is also called: IRAS 02261-1045, MCG-02-07-013, LEDA 9426,
and GSC 05282-00729.
It is a spiral galaxy in Cetus.
NGC 947
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 3 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Images were taken through BVR filters, with a
total of 28 min in B, 20 min in V, and 20 min in R. Theimages were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is 3'x3' or less.
Object Information
NGC 947 is also called: ESO-LV 545-0210, LEDA 9420, SGC
022613-1915.8, ESO 545-21, GSC 05862-02301, MCG-03-07-022, AGC 21882,
IRAS 02262-1915, RR95 55b.
NGC 947 is an Sc galaxy in Cetus.
NGC 1022
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 4 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Image were taken through BVR filters, with a
total of 28 min in B, 20 min in V, and 20 min in R. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is 3'x3' or less.
Object Information
NGC 1022 is also called: IRAS 02360-0653, MCG-01-07-025, LEDA 10010,
IRAS F02360-0653.
NGC 1022 is an SBa galaxy in Cetus.
NGC 1058
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 14 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 300s through a B filter, 180s through a V filter, and
180s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1058 is also called: UGC 2193, KUG 0240+371, MCG+06-07-001, PGC
10314, TC 41, Z 0240.3+3708, Z 523-96, Z 524-5.
It is an Sc galaxy located in Perseus. It has a recessional velocity
of 492 km/s.
NGC 1073
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 1 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Images were taken through BVR filters, with a
total of 28 min in B, 25 min in V, and 25 min in R. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is 3'x3' or less.
Object Information
NGC 1073 is also called: IRAS 02411+0109, [M98c] 024105.6+010955, Z
0241.1+0110, UGC 2210, IRAS 02410+0109, MCG+00-08-001, Z 389-2, 1E
0241.0+0108, LEDA 10329, UZC J024340.6+012234.
NGC 1073 is an SBC galaxy in Cetus.
NGC 1084
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 5 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Images were taken through BVR filters, with a
total of 28 min in B, 20 min in V, and 20 min in R. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is 3'x3' or less.
Object Information
NGC 1084 is also called: GSC 05286-00420, KUG 0243-077,
MCG-01-08-007, IRAS F02435-0747, LEDA 10464, AGC 420244, IRAS
NGC 1084 is an Sc galaxy in Eridanus.
NGC 1087
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 3 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Images were taken through BVR filters, with a
total of 21 min in B, 15 min in V, and 15 min in R. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is 3'x3' or less.
Object Information
NGC 1087 is also called: IRAS 02438-0042, LEDA 10496, [SLK2000] 17, Z
389-10, UGC 2245, ISOSS J02464-0029, [M98c] 024351.6-004219, WB
0243-0041, BWE 0243-0041, KUG 0243-007, MCG+00-08-009, Z 0243.9-0042.
NGC 1087 is an Sc galaxy in Cetus.
NGC 1122
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 16 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 300s through a B filter, 180s through a V filter, and
180s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1122 is also called: NGC 1123, UGC 2353, IRAS 02496_4200,
MCG+07-06-083, PGC 10890, Z 0249.6+4200, Z 539-117.
It is an Sb galaxy in a cluster of galaxies located in Perseus. It
has a recessional velocity of 3678 km/s.
NGC 1174
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 16 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 300s through a B filter, 180s through a V filter, and
180s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1174 is also called: NGC 1186, UGC 2521, IRAS F03022+4238, IRAS
03022+4238, MCG+07-07-021, PGC 11617, Z 0302.2+4239, Z 540-34.
It is an SBc galaxy located in Perseus. It has a recessional velocity
of 2739 km/s.
NGC 1175
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 16 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were
taken: 2 at 300s through a B filter, 300s through a V filter, and
300s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1175 is also called: UGC 2515, MCG+07-07-019, PGC 11578, Z
0301.3+4209, Z 540-32.
It is a galaxy in a cluster of galaxies located in Perseus. It has a
recessional velocity of 5458 km/s. NGC 1777 is
located in the upper right of the image.
NGC 1777
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 16 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were
taken: 2 at 300s through a B filter, 300s through a V filter, and
300s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
NGC 1177 is also called: IC 281, MCG+07-07-020, PGC 11581, Z
0301.4+4210, Z 540-33.
It is an elliptical galaxy in a cluster of galaxies located in
Perseus. It has a redshift of z=+0.018626. NGC
1175 is located in the center of the image.
NGC 1193
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 16 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 180s through a B filter, 90s through a V filter, and 90s
through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1193 is also called: C 0302+441, Collinder 35.
It is an open cluster located in Perseus.
NGC 1348
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 4 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images were taken: 5 min through the B
filter, 5 min through V, and 5 min through R. Theimages were reduced
and combined using IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view
is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1348 is also called: C 0330+512.
NGC 1348 is an open cluster in Perseus.
NGC 1220
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 14 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 120s through a B filter, 60s through a V filter, and 60s
through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1220 is also called: C 0308+531.
It is an open cluster located in Perseus.
NGC 1417
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Jan 31 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Images were taken through BVR filters, with a
total of 20 min in B, 10 min in V, and 10 min in R. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is 3'x3' or less.
Object Information
NGC 1417 is also called: GSC 04720-00439, MCG-01-10-021, LEDA 13584,
AGC 430424, and [m98c] 033928.1-045153.
It is an Sb galaxy in the constellation Eridanus with a radial velocity of 4125km/s away from us.
NGC 1421
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 2 using
the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Images were taken through BVR filters, with a
total of 21 min in B, 15 min in V, and 15 min in R. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is 3'x3' or less.
Object Information
NGC 1421 is also called: 1E 0340.1-1340, LEDA 13620, MCG-02-10-008,
IRAS 03401-1338, TC 474, AGC 430433, IRAS F03401-1338.
NGC 1421 is an Sc galaxy in Eridanus.
NGC 1444
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 4 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images were taken: 5 min through a B
filter, 5 min through a V filter, and 5 min through an R filter. The
images were reduced and combined using IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view
is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1444 is also called: OCl 394.0, C 0345+525, Ocl 394, OCISM 95.
NGC 1444 is an open cluster in Perseus.
NGC 1496
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 5 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images were taken: 7 min through a B
filter, 5 min through a V filter, and 5 min through an R filter. The
images were reduced and combined using IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view
is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1496 is also called: C 0400+524, Cl Collinder 44.
NGC 1496 is an open cluster in Perseus.
NGC 1513
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 5 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images were taken: 7 min through a B
filter, 5 min through a V filter, and 5 min through an R filter. The
images were reduced and combined using IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view
is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1513 is also called: C 0406+493.
NGC 1513 is an open cluster in Perseus.
NGC 1535
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Jan 31 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images were taken: 5 min through a B
filter, 5 min through a V filter, and 5 min through an R filter. The
images were reduced and combined using IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view
is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1535 is also called: Cleopatra's Eye, [DML97] 112, HD 26847, PK
206-40 1, PN VV' 25, PN G206.4-40.5, GCRV 2426, IRAS 04119-1251, PN
ARO 22, SCM 2, BD-13 842, GSC 05318-00563, IRAS F04119-1251, PN VV 19,
TD1 31084.
NGC 1535 is a planetary nebula located in
NGC 1555
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 14 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 120s through a B filter, 60s through a V filter, and 60s
through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1555 is also called: Hind's Variable Nebula, HH-1555.
It may be a Herbig-Haro object, or simply a reflection nebula. The
adjacent bright star is T Tauri; NGC 1555 varies in brightness with
the star. It is located in Taurus.
NGC 1569
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 14 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 180s through a B filter, 120s through a V filter, and
120s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1569 is also called: UGC 3056, APG 210, CGPG 0426.1+6445, 2E 1056,
2E 0426.1+6444, IRAS F04260+6444, IRAS 0426+647p01, IRAS 04260+6444.
It is a Seyfert 1 galaxy whose center has been disrupted by a
relatively recent starburst. It has a velocity of 74 km/s in approach
and is located in Camelopardis.
NGC 1637
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 2 using
the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Image were taken through BVR filters, with a
total of 28 min in B, 20 min in V, and 20 min in R. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is 3'x3' or less.
Object Information
NGC 1637 is also called: IRAS 04389-0257, [M98c] 043857.6-025712, Z
0438.9-0258, UGCA 93, IRAS F04389-0257, MCG+00-12-068, Z 393-66, AGC
440323, LEDA 15821, TC 673.
NGC 1637 is an Sc galaxy in Eridanus.
NGC 1640
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 6 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Images were taken through BVR filters, with a
total of 28 min in B, 20 min in V, and 20 min in R. Theimages were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is 3'x3' or less.
Object Information
NGC 1640 is also called: IRAS 0440-205P10, LEDA 15850, SGC
044004-2031.7, ESO 551-27, IRAS 04400-2031, [M98c] 044004.1-203145,
ESO-LV 551-0270, IRAS F04400-2031, MCG-03-12-018.
NGC 1640 is an Sa galaxy in Eridanus. NGC 1640
is considered to have a ring, which is visible in this image.
NGC 1729
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 15 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 600s through a B filter, 300s through a V filter, and
300s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1729 is also called: MCG-01-13-043, AGC 440448, IRAS 04577-0325,
IRAS F04577-0325, IRAS 0457-034p02, PGC 16529.
It is a galaxy located in Orion. It has a recessional velocity of
3635 km/s.
NGC 1730
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 15 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 600s through a B filter, 300s through a V filter, and
300s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1730 is also called: IC 2113, MCG-03-13-043, IRAS F04572-1553,
IRAS 04573-1553, PGC 16499.
It is a galaxy located in Lepus. It has a recessional velocity of
3969 km/s.
NGC 1738
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 15 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 600s through a B filter, 300s through a V filter, and
300s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1738 is also called: ESO 552-49, ESO-LW 552-0490, MCG-03-13-054,
PGC 16585, RR95 99a, SGC 045934-1813.8.
It is an Sb galaxy located in Lepus. It has a recessional velocity of
3952 km/s. NGC 1739 is below it in this
NGC 1739
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 15 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 600s through a B filter, 300s through a V filter, and
300s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1739 is also called: ESO 552-50, ESO-LW 552-0500, MCG-03-13-055,
PGC 16586, RR95 99b, SGC 045935-1814.3.
It is an Sb galaxy located in Lepus. It has a recessional velocity of
3867 km/s. NGC 1738 is above it in this
NGC 1788
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 14 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 300s through a B filter, 180s through a V filter, and
180s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1788 is also called: LBN 203.49-24.76, Ced 40, DG 51, LBN 916, M3T
13, RN0 35.
It is a reflection nebula located in Orion.
NGC 1832
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 14 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 300s through a B filter, 180s through a V filter, and
180s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1832 is also called: MCG-03-14-010, AGC 450033, IRAS 05098-1544,
IRAS F05097-1544, IRAS 0509-157p03, PGC 16906.
It is an SBb galaxy located in Lepus. It has a recessional velocity
of 1943 km/s.
NGC 1888
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 14 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 300s through a B filter, 180s through a V filter, and
180s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1888 is also called: MCG-02-14-013, APG 123, IRAS 0520-115p01,
IRAS 05202-1132, IRAS F05202-1132, PGC 17195, TC 59.
It is an Sc galaxy located in Lepus. It has a recessional velocity of
2422 km/s. NGC 1889 is located to its upper
NGC 1889
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 14 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 300s through a B filter, 180s through a V filter, and
180s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1889 is also called: MCG-02-14-014, PGC 17196.
It is an elliptical galaxy located in Lepus. It has a recessional
velocity of 2472 km/s. NGC 1888 is located to
its lower left.
NGC 1931
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 15 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 180s through a B filter, 120s through a V filter, and
120s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1931 is also called: LBN 173.92+00.24, C 0528+342, Ced 49, IRAS
05281+3412, LBN 810, Min 1-81, OCISM 102, OCl 441, RAFGL 5144, SH
2-237, WB 89 653.
It is an open cluster and reflection nebula located in Auriga.
NGC 1999
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 15 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 120s through a B filter, 60s through a V filter, and
60s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 1999 is also called: LBN 979, LBN 210.44-19.70, PP 34.
It is an HII region located around the star V380 Orionis in Orion.
The triangular-shaped dark spot is dust.
NGC 2139
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 15 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 300s through a B filter, 180s through a V filter, and
180s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 2139 is also called: IC 2154, AGC 24747, AM 0559-234, ESO 488-54,
ESO-LW 488-0540, IRAS 05590-2340, IRAS F05590-2340, MCG-04-15-005, PGC
18258, SGC 055904-2340.4.
It is an SBC galaxy located in Lepus. It has a recessional velocity
of 1836 km/s.
NGC 2610
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2002 Mar 21 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were taken: an unfiltered image, a B
image, a V image, and an R image; all were 300s. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is approximately 2'x2'.
Object Information
NGC 2610 is also called: PN G239.6+13.9 CSI-15-08311, GCRV 5632, IRAS
08310-1558, IRAS F08310-1558, PK 239+13.1, PN ARO 64, PN Sa 2-27, PN
VV 48, PN VV' 77, SCM 40.
It is a planetary nebula located in Hydra.
NGC 2681
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2002 Mar 21 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were taken: an unfiltered image of 240s, a B
image of 300s, a V image of 300s, and an R image of 240s. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is approximately 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 2681 is also called: UGC 4645, Ark 185, EQ 0849_515, MCG+09-15-041, PGC 24961, Z 0849.9_5131, Z 264-26.
It is a type Sa galaxy, thought to be an active galaxy, located in Ursa Major. It has a
recessional velocity of 692 km/s
NGC 2742
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2002 Mar 21 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were taken: an unfiltered image, a B
image, a V image, and an R image; all were 300s. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is approximately 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 2742 is also called: UGC 4779, IRAS F09036+6040, IRAS 09036+6040, MCG+10-13-057, PGC 25640, TC 707, Z 0903.6+6040, Z 288-19.
It is a type Sc galaxy, located in Ursa Major. It has a
recessional velocity of 1273 km/s
NGC 2935
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2002 Mar 21 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were taken: an unfiltered image of 600s, a B
image of 600s, a V image of 300s, and an R image of 300s. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is approximately 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 2935 is also called: UGCA 169, ESO 565-23, MCG-03-25-011, PGC 27351,
SGC 093426-2054.2.
It is a type SBb galaxy, located in Hydra. It was the
site of a supernova in 1996. It has a recessional velocity of 2270
NGC 3583
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2002 Mar 21 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were taken: an unfiltered image, a B
image, a V image, and an R image; all were 300s. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is approximately 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 3583 is also called: UGC 6263, BWE 1111+4835, 87GB 111116.6+482512,
IRAS 11113+4835, IRAS F11113+4835, MCG+08-21-008, PGC 34232, Z 1111.3+4836,
Z 242-12.
It is a type SBb galaxy, located in Ursa Major.
It has a recessional velocity of 2098 km/s
NGC 3690
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2002 Mar 19 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were taken: an unfiltered image of 240s, a B
image of 300s, a V image of 300s, and an R image of 300s. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is approximately 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 3690 is also called: UGC 6472, APG 299B, IRAS 11257+5850,
IRAS F11257+5850, KPG 288b, MCG+10-17-003, PGC 35321.
It is a type SB galaxy, located in Ursa Major. It is
the left galaxy in the image, and it is merging with IC 694, which is on the right. It has also been the site of
several supernovae in the past few years. It has a recessional
velocity of 3324 km/s
NGC 4038/9
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2002 Mar 19 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were taken: an unfiltered image, a B
image, a V image, and an R image; all were 300s. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is approximately 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 4038 is also called: NGC 4039, the Antennae galaxies, the Ringtail
galaxy, UGCA 264, APG 244, 1E 1159.3-1835, 2E 1159.3-1835, 2E 2573,
ESO-LW 572-0470, ESO 572-48, ESO-LW 572-0481, ESO-LW 572-0480, ESO-LW
572-0471, ESO 572-47, FAUST 2987, IRAS F11593-1836, IRAS 11593-1935,
MCG-03-31-012, MCG-03-31-015, PGC 37969, PGC 37967, PKS 1159-185, RR95
207a, RR95 207b, RR95 206a, RR95 206b, 1RSX J120151.5-185214, SGC
115920-1836.4, SGC 115919-1835.2, UGCA 265, VV 245b, VV 245a, VV
This image shows only the cores of the interacting galaxies NGC 4038
and NGC 4039; NGC 4038 is the upper galaxy in this image. These
galaxies are located in Corvus. They have a
recessional velocity of 1616 km/s
NGC 4216
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 5 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Images were taken through BVR filters, with a
total of 28 min in B, 20 min in V, and 20 min in R. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is 3'x3' or less.
Object Information
NGC 4216 is also called: 1E 1213.3+1324, IRAS F12133+1325, [M98c]
121320.3+132538, UZC J121554.2+130859, Z 1213.4+1326, UGC 7284, EQ
1213+134, IRAS 12133+1325, MCG+02-31-072, VCC 167, Z 69-112, ADBS
J121555+1308, [HDL96] 69 182, LEDA 39246, NVSS B121321+132538, [Y0F95]
NGC 4216 is an Sb galaxy in Virgo.
NGC 4496
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2002 Mar 21 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were taken: an unfiltered image, a B
image, a V image, and an R image; all were 300s. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is approximately 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 4496 is also called: NGC 4496, UGC 7668, IRAS 12291+0412, KPG
343, KPG 343a, MCG+01-32-090, PGC 41471, VCC 1375, VV 76, VV 76a, Z
1229.1+0413, Z 42-144.
This image shows galaxies NGC 4496A and B; A is the upper galaxy.
These galaxies are located in Virgo. The A galaxy
is SBc and has a recessional velocity of 1730 km/s
NGC 4699
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 1 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Images were taken through BVR filters, with a
total of 21 min in B, 15 min in V, and 15 min in R. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is 3'x3' or less. The greenish trail in the image is from a
satellite passing through the field of view.
Object Information
NGC 4699 is also called: IRAS 12464-0823, [NLB95] f717g004, UGCA 301,
LEDA 43321, IRAS F12464-0823, MCG-01-33-013.
NGC 4699 is an Sab galaxy in Virgo.
NGC 4902
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2002 Mar 19 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were taken: an unfiltered image, a B
image, a V image, and an R image; all were 300s. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is approximately 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 4902 is also called: UGCA 315, MCG-02-33-092, PGC 44847.
This is an SBb galaxy, located in Virgo. It has a
recessional velocity of 2625 km/s
NGC 4995
Image Information
This image is a combination of images that
were taken on UT 2003 Feb 3 and UT 2003 Feb 4 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Images were taken through BVR filters, a total
of 42 min in B, 40 min in V, and 20 min in R. The images were reduced
and combined using IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view
is 3'x3' or less.
Object Information
NGC 4995 is also called: IRAS F13070-0734, MCG-01-345-007, UGCA 329,
IRAS 13070-0734, [NLB95] f718g009, GSC 05537-01428, LEDA 45643.
NGC 4995 is an Sbc galaxy in Virgo.
NGC 5053
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 6 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. This image is a combination of a 7 min B image,
and 5 min V image, and a 5 min R image. The images were reduced and
combined using IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view
is 3'x3'. This image only shows the very center of the cluster.
Object Information
NGC 5053 is also called: C 1313+179.
NGC 5053 is a globular cluster in Coma Bernices.
NGC 5170
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Jan 31 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Images were taken through BVR filters, a total
of 14 min in B, 10 min in V, and 10 min in R. The images were reduced
and combined using IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view
is 3'x3' or less. The greenish trail through the image is a satellite
passing through the field of view.
Object Information
NGC 5170 is also called: ESO-LV 576-0650, LEDA 47394, MCG-03-34-084,
[VDD93] 185, UGCA 360, FGC 1626, LEDA 47396, RFGC 2579, ESO 576-65,
IRAS 13271-1742, [M98c] 132707.1-174230, SGC 132707-1742.6.
NGC 5170 is an Sc galaxy in Virgo.
NGC 5383
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2002 Mar 20 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were taken: an unfiltered image, a B
image, a V image, and an R image; all were 300s. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is approximately 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 5383 is also called: UGC 8875, IRAS F13549+4205, IRAS 13550+4205,
KUG 1355+420, MCG+07-29-023, Mrk 281, PGC 49618, Z 1355.0+4205, Z
This is an SBb galaxy, located in Canes Venatici. It has a
recessional velocity of 2249 km/s
NGC 5394/5
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2002 Mar 20 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were taken: an unfiltered image, a B
image, a V image, and an R image; all were 300s. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is approximately 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 5394 is also called: UGC 8898, APG 84, CASG 1203, CGPG
1356.4+3742, FIRST J135833.6+372712, IRAS 13564+3741, IRAS
F13564+3741, KPG 404a, KPG 404, KUG 1356+376A, MCG+06-31-033, Mrk
1508, PGC 49739, VV 48b, VV 48, Z 1356.4+3742, Z 191-24, B3 1356+376,
87GB 135627.9+374104.
NGC 5395 is also called: UGC 8900, CGPG 1356.5+3740, KPG 404b, KUG
1356+376B, MCG+06-31-034, PGC 49747, VV 48a, Z 1356.5+3740, Z 191-26,
ZW I 77.
These galaxies are interacting; NGC 5394 is the upper galaxy.
NGC 5394 is an Sc galaxy, and NGC 5395 is type Sb. They are located in Canes Venatici. It has a
recessional velocity of 3472 and 3493 km/s, respectively.
NGC 5427
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2002 Mar 21 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were taken: an unfiltered image, a B
image, a V image, and an R image; all were 300s. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is approximately 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 5427 is also called: UGCA 381, APG 271, IRAS 14008-0547,
MCG-01-36-003, PGC 50084, VV 21, VV 21a.
NGC 5427 is a Seyfert 2 galaxy, type Sbc. It is interacting with
galaxy NGC 5426, which is off the bottom of the image. It is located in Virgo. It
has a recessional velocity of 2618 km/s.
NGC 5466
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 1 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images were taken: a B image of 7 min, a V
image of 5 min, and an R image of 5 min. The images were reduced and
combined using IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view
is approximately 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 5466 is also called: C 1403+287.
NGC 5466 is a globular cluster in Bootes.
NGC 5634
Image Information
The images composing this image were taken on UT 2003 Jan 31 and UT
2003 Feb 4 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Image were taken through BVR filters, with a
total of 12 min in B, 10 min in V, and 10 min in R. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is approximately 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 5634 is also called: GCRV 8456, C 1427-057, and CSI-05-14270.
NGC 5634 is a globular cluster in Virgo.
NGC 5676
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2003 Feb 6 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Image were taken through BVR filters, with a
total of 28 min in B, 20 min in V, and 20 min in R. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is 3'x3' or less.
Object Information
NGC 5676 is also called: IRAS 14310+4940, [M998c] 143101.4+494037, Z
1431.0+4940, UGC 9366, KUG 1431+496, MCG+08-26-043, Z 247-42, IRAS
F14310+4940, LEDA 51978, UZC J143246.7+492727, Z 248-3.
NGC 5676 is an Sc galaxy in Bootes.
NGC 5885
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2002 Mar 20 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were taken: an unfiltered image, a B
image, a V image, and an R image; all were 300s. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is approximately 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 5885 is also called: MCG-02-39-013, AGC 550035, TC 554.
NGC 5885 is a type SBc galaxy. It is located in Libra. It has a
redshift of 0.006675.
NGC 5962
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2002 Mar 21 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were taken: an unfiltered image of 600s, a B
image of 300s, a V image of 300s, and an R image of 300s. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is approximately 3'x3'.
Object Information
NGC 5962 is also called: UGC 9926, IRAS F15342+1646, IRAS 1534+167P15,
MCG+03-40-011, PGC 55588, TC 848, Z 107-12, Z 1534.2+1646.
NGC 5962 is a type Sc galaxy. It is located in
Serpens. It has a
recessional velocity of 1993 km/s.
NGC 6791
Image Information
This image was composed of images taken on three different nights
using the Mt. Laguna
Observatory 1-m telescope. A 60s V image was taken on UT 1998 Jul
29. A 180s R image was taken on UT 1998 Oct 14. A 60s I image was
taken on UT 1998 Jul 31. In this combination, V is represented by
blue, R by green, and I by red. Each images' field of view 14'x14',
but the composite is somewhat smaller since the images did not exactly
Object Information
NGC 6791 is also called: C 1919+377, Cl Berkeley 46, and Ocl
NGC 6791 is a very old open cluster located in Lyra.
NGC 6819
Image Information
This image was composed of images taken on three different nights
using the Mt. Laguna
Observatory 1-m telescope. A 120s V image was taken on UT 1996
Oct 12. A 180s R image was taken on UT 1998 Oct 14. A 30s I image was
taken on UT 1998 Jul 31. In this combination, V is represented by
blue, R by green, and I by red. Each images' field of view 14'x14',
but the composite is somewhat smaller since the images did not exactly
Object Information
NGC 6819 is also called: C 1939+400 and Cl Melotte 223.
NGC 6819 is an old open cluster located in Cygnus.
NGC 7789
Image Information
This image was composed of images taken on two different nights using
Mt. Laguna Observatory 1-m telescope. A 180s V image and a 60s I
image were taking on UT 1996 Oct 12; a 120s R image was taken on UT
1998 Oct 14. In this combination, V is represented by blue, R by
green, and I by red. Each images' field of view 14'x14', but the
composite is somewhat smaller since the images did not exactly
Object Information
NGC 7789 is also called: C 2354+564, Cl Melotte 245, and Ocl
NGC 7789 is an old open cluster located in Cassiopeia.
IC 284
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 14 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images
were taken: 2 at 300s through a B filter, 300s through a V filter, and
300s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
IC 284 is also called: IRAS 03029+4211, MCG+07-07-023, TC 467, UGC
2531, Z 0302.9+4211, Z 540-37.
It is an Sc galaxy located in Perseus. It has a
recessional velocity of 2926 km/s.
IC 391
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2001 Oct 16 using the PerkinsTelescope at
Lowell Observatory with a Loral 2048x2048 pixel CCD. Three images
were taken: 300s through a B filter, 180s through a V filter, and
180s through an R filter. The images were reduced and combined using
IRAF and ImageMagick. The field of view is 3'x3'.
Object Information
IC 391 is also called: IRAS 0449+781p05, IRAS 04497_7806,
MCG+13-04-011, K73 155, KUG 0449+781, PGC 16402, UGC 3190, Z
0449.5+7807, Z 347-9.
It is a spiral galaxy located in Camelopardis. It has a recessional
velocity of 1607 km/s.
IC 694
Image Information
This image was taken on UT 2002 Mar 19 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Four images were taken: an unfiltered image of 240s, a B
image of 300s, a V image of 300s, and an R image of 300s. The images were
reduced and combined using IRAF
and ImageMagick. The field
of view is approximately 3'x3'.
Object Information
IC 694 is also called: APG 299A, KPG 288a, MCG+10-17-002, PGC 35326,
UGC 6471.
It is a type SBd galaxy, located in Ursa Major. It is
the right galaxy in the image, and it is merging with NGC 3690, which is on the left. It has a
recessional velocity of 3090 km/s
12909 Jaclifford
Image Information
This image on UT 2002 Sep 14 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. The image was exposed for 480s through an R
filter. The asteroid is the trailed object in the center of the
Object Information
12909 Jaclifford is a near-Earth asteroid. It was discovered by LONEOS on UT 1998 Sep 17 using the survey's dedicated telescope. It was named after a current Lowell Observatory trustee (I think).
Comet 2002 S1
Image 1, Image 2
Image Information
These images were taken on UT 2002 Sep 17 using the PerkinsTelescope
at Lowell Observatory with a Loral
2048x2048 pixel CCD. Both images were exposed for 300s through an R
filter. In the first image, the comet is just to the right of the
bright star in the left-center of the image. In the second image, the
comet has moved to the right. The fuzzy object in the right-center of
the two images is likely a faint galaxy, but I haven't been able to
identify it.
Object Information
This comet was discovered by LONEOS
earlier in the night. Brian Skiff of
Lowell Observatory asked me to take this images to confirm the
discovery. Here's the IAU circular about the discovery:
Circular No. 7972
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)
COMET 2002 S1
B. Skiff, Lowell Observatory, reports his discovery of a comet
on images taken by him in the course of the LONEOS program, with
the available observations given below. The object has a
moderately condensed coma of diameter 10" and a tail 30" long in
p.a. 285 deg. At Skiff's request, M. Hayes-Gehrke obtained a
confirming 5-min CCD R frame (also on Sept. 17, in twilight) with
the Lowell Observatory's Perkins 1.8-m telescope, showing a 8" coma
and a tail about 30" long in p.a. 280 or 285 deg.
2002 UT R.A. (2000) Decl. m1
Sept.17.41755 7 02 13.22 +49 41 30.4 18.0
17.43083 7 02 14.77 +49 41 35.0
17.44419 7 02 16.21 +49 41 38.3
17.45753 7 02 17.87 +49 41 43.0
(C) Copyright 2002 CBAT
2002 September 17 (7972) Daniel W. E. Green