Welcome to DCR's Web Space!

Here you will find links to my research, teaching, and other items of possible interest. I update these pages as often as I can, but not as often as I would like. I am solely responsible for the content, and any opinions expressed on these pages are my own.

Use the menu bar at the top to navigate these pages. There are also shortcuts to frequently accessed content in the sidebar to the left.

What's New?

  • 11/26/24: I'll be teaching ASTR615 (Computational Astrophysics) a final time this coming spring!
  • 6/9/24: I'm retiring at the end of the 2024/25 academic year. I am no longer taking on new students -- sorry!
  • 5/12/23: I'll be teaching the ASTR120/121 sequence starting Fall 2023!

Recent News


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