October  2011      ISSUE 43


 Editors and Authors are invited!

Many of you know the book Planets, Stars and Nebulae Studied with Photopolarimetry (Arizona University Press, 1974). This was the first book of the popular Space Science Series.

The editor of the book, a well-known polarimetrist, Tom Gehrels, passed away a couple of months ago

To commemorate his memory, it is planned publishing a similar book in the Space Science Series. The book should demonstrate the progress in polarimetric studies achieved after the original book was published. The Space Science Series Editorial Board is now looking for people who can serve as the book editors and/or contribute as its authors. If you are interested to be an editor or to write a book chapter(s), or have any ideas regarding content and format of such a book, please, email me Ludmilla (at astro.umd.edu).

Look forward to hearing from you.

Ludmilla Kolokolova

The Light Scattering conference ELS-XIII in Taormina was a great success! Many thanks to the organizers!


Following the tradition of the past years, the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer is going to

publish a special issue collecting the contributions presented at ELS XIII as full-size journal papers. Papers to be accepted for publication in this special issue are required to have the same standard of originality and clarity of regular research papers that usually appear in the journal and will follow the standard peer-review process.


The guest editors of this special issue are: Ferdinando Borghese, Pietro Gucciardi, Antonella Iato, Onofrio Marago, and Rosalba Saija, as the managing guest editor.


Submission to the ELS XIII Special Issue via EES (Elsevier Editorial System) will be open on November the 14th, 2011.

The closing date (that is the date by which no new submission will be received) is January the 16th, 2012.


Instructions for submission:

- The submission website is located at: http://ees.elsevier.com/jqsrt/default.asp

- To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue, it is important that authors select ELS XIII: Regular Paper or ELS XIII: Invited Review when they reach the Article Type step in the submission process.


Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference ELS-XIV


Next Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering by Non-Spherical Particles, ELS-XIV, will be held

in Lille (France) on June 17-21, 2013

Organizers: Oleg Dubovik, Laurent Labonnote


See future Light-Scattering newsletters for more details.
