December   2011      ISSUE 44




Dear Colleagues, please consider submitting an abstract to the EGU General Assembly 2012 session



Polarimetry is a powerful diagnostic tool providing a wealth of information about objects from the Earth atmosphere to the far universe that cannot be obtained by traditional photometric/spectroscopic observations. In the solar system

polarimetry has been widely used e.g. to characterize the surface of atmosphereless bodies, dust and aerosols in planetary atmospheres, or to explore the magnetism of the solar atmosphere. This session is open to papers about recent polarimetric observations of solar system bodies including the Earth and the sun, theoretical or experimental

investigations and instrumental developments for polarimeters to be included in ground-based facilities or onboard future space missions. Contributions about detection and/or characterization of exoplanets with polarimetry are also welcome.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 17 January 2012

Deadline for submission of support application : 15 December 2011

This initiative is not directly related to COST. However, we would really like to install this session in the long-term at EGU. Hence, this is important to receive as many abstracts as possible since if we do not have around 20 abstracts, the

session might eventually end as a poster session only.

Thank you for your help!


Best regards,

The Conveners:

Mathieu Barthelemy (IPAG, FR)

Herve Lamy (BIRA-IASB, BE)

Cyril Simon Wedlund (BIRA-IASB, BE)

Frans Snik (University of Utrecht, NL)

Stefano Bagnulo (Armagh Observatory, UK)




Registration is now open for the upcoming school.

Objective and Scope: The objective of the school is to promote education and research in planetary sciences for highly motivated graduate students and young researchers by providing them with an opportunity to interact with leading scientists in a specific field. Note that the term Planetary Sciences broader sense to include astronomy, astrophysics, astrochemistry, astrobiology, astromineralogy, geosciences, space science, cosmology, and other related fields.

The topic of the coming school: Across the Earth into Exoplanets

The first circular and the detailed information are now available at the CPS Web site:

Date: 24-29 June 2012

Venue: Seapal Suma, a casual seaside resort located in the west part of Kobe, Japan



All deadline times are 23:59 Japanese Standard Time, UTC+9

07 February 2012 Travel Grant Application Deadline

15 February 2012 Registration Application Deadline

15 February 2012 Abstract Submission Deadline

29 February 2012 Result Notification


Workshop "Light scattering in an industrial context -Measurement and simulation"

Institut fur Werkstofftechnik, IWT, Bremen, 15 - 16 March 2012


Call for papers! 

Preliminary list of talks

Vladimir Schmidt, University of Bremen

        Long fibres on a plane surface, scattering computations using the T-Matrix method

Hergen Oltmann, University of Bremen

       Characterization of soot aggregate sizes by wide-anlge light scattering (WALS)

Yuri Eremin, Moscow State Universty

      Extreme Light Scattering in the Evanescent Wave Area.

Andrea Ranzoni, Philips Research & Eindhoven University of Technology

      Rotating nanoactuators for opto-magnetic biomarker detection in blood plasma.


Organizing Committee

Thomas Wriedt, Process & Chemical Engineering, Institut fur Werkstofftechnik, Bremen, Germany

Yuri Eremin, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Wolfram Hergert, Institut fur Physik, Martin-Luther-Universitat, Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany



Workshop "Inverse problems and numerical methods in applications"

Institut fur Werkstofftechnik, IWT, Bremen, 8 - 9 March 2012


Preliminary list of speakers:

 Rainer Kress, Gattingen University

 Peter MaaÃ, University of Bremen

 Ibrahim Akduman, Istanbul Technical University

 Bastian von Harrach, Universität Wurzburg

 Martin Burger, Westfalische Wilhelms Universitat

 Samuli Siltanen, University of Helsinki

 Fabrice Delbary, Technical University of Denmark

 Armin Lechleiter, University of Bremen

 Roland Griesmaier, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat

 Nuutti Hyvanen, Aalto University

 Thorsten Hohage, Gattingen University

 Poul Erik Hansen, Technical University of Denmark

 Mads Peter Sarensen, Technical University of Denmark

 Adrian Doicu, German Aerospace Center

Benjamin Glasse, University of Bremen

 Mirza Karamehmedovic, University of Bremen


Organizing Committee:

 Mirza Karamehmedovic, Process and Chemical Engineering, Institut fur Werkstofftechnik, Bremen, Germany.

 Kim Knudsen, Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.



Dear ELS XIII participants,

We have finally uploaded a selection of pictures taken during ELS XIII in the conference web site. So, if you want to have a look, just visit

We remind you that, starting from November the 14th, and until January the 16th, 2012, the submission procedure to the JQSRT special issue for ELS XIII will be open.

Should you need any help or further information, please do not hesitate to contact me and my colleagues.


King regards, Rosalba Saija



ADDA update


We have recently discovered a bug in ADDA 1.0 that may affect the simulations involving Gaussian beams. The value of Cext that is produced by ADDA is computed by the same formula as for the plane incident wave (i.e. exactly as specified in the manual). The problem is that this formula is not adequate for the Gaussian beams, i.e. it does not describe the Cext, which is defined through the energy balance (in particular, for non-absorbing particles obtained value of Cext is not equal to Cabs). So currently please discard the ADDA result for Cext when simulating Gaussian beams.


There exist a simple workaround to compute Cext - compute Csca by using command line option (-Csca) and then add it with Cabs (which is computed correctly). I.e. Cext=Cabs+Csca.


We will address the issue by the next release (1.1). For more details and status updates please see


It is important to note, that this issue affect _only_ Gaussian beams and _only_ calculation of Cext (or Qext). Other parts of light scattering by particles with incident Gaussian beam, e.g. the Mueller matrix, has been tested against independent methods and are working perfectly fine:


There also exist another issue when computing the radiation force due to the Gaussian beam: However, the radiation force calculation is still in development anyway, so this issue will be fixed during the future development.


Best regards, Maxim Yurkin.


See recently indexed and summarized papers on the optics of particles and dispersions in TPDSci: