March 2015

Issue 67


Asian-Oceanian Geoscience Society (AOGS) Annual meeting

Singapore, 2 - 7 August 2015

Abstracts due is extended! Now it is 28 February 2105

We kindly invite you to attend the AOGS-2015 meeting and participate in the following sessions:

Session PS03: Polarimetry of Planetary Systems: Observations, Theory and Models
Polarimetry is currently enjoying a rejuvenation in various astronomical applications. As a complementary techinque to imaging and spectroscopy,
polarization allows the investigation of scatttering properties of variety of media ranging from planetary atmospheres, comets, small bodies (planetary
satellites, asteroids, Kuiper Belt objects, etc.) to detection and characterization of exoplanets, brown dwarfs, star and planet forming regions; characterization of magnetic fields and search for optically active molecules in a search for habitability elsewhere than our earth. We invite contributions from observers, modellers, laboratory measurements, instrument designers and missions. We anticipate half to one day of presentations including oral and poster contributions.

Session PS04: Comets, Asteroids and Other Small Bodies of the Solar System: From 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko to Chariklo
The composition and physical properties of Small Solar System Bodies (SSSBs), remnants of the formation of planets, are key to better understand
our solar system. Increased knowledge of their surface properties and their potential as resources are also necessary to prepare for robotic and human
exploration. Missions such as ESA/Rosetta, ESA/Gaia, NASA/OSIRIS-Rex, JAXA/Hyabusa-2, NASA/Dawn and NASA/New Horizons, to study asteroids, comets,
dwarf planets and TNOs are poised to provide new information on SSSBs. This session welcomes abstracts on the remarkable results bringing
information on the internal structure and composition of SSSBs based on space and ground-based data, numerical models, as well as instrument/mission
concepts in the prospect of future exploration, including Rosetta/67P, C/SidingSpring, C/2014 Q1, C/2012 K1, Chariklo, Ceres, Vesta.. We anticipate
a half-day to a full day session.

Meeting: Radiation mechanisms of astrophysical objects: classics today

St.Petersburg, Russia, September 21-25, 2015

Studies of radiation mechanisms and processes of spectra formation in astrophysical objects are among the fundamental tasks of modern astrophysics. A powerful tool for the solution of these problems is provided by the theory of radiative transfer, which has been substantially contributed to and developed by the full member of the Soviet (Russian) Academy of Sciences Victor Victorovich Sobolev. The Sobolev method to solve the radiative transfer equations, among his numerous results in the field of radiative transfer, became classical nowadays. In 1947-1998 V.V. Sobolev was the head of the Chair of Astrophysics of the Leningrad/St. Petersburg State University and a leader of the Leningrad/St. Petersburg astrophysical school, which had won international recognition for many valuable results.

The 100th birthday anniversary of V.V. Sobolev will be celebrated on September 2, 2015. On this occasion the Saint-Petersburg State University organizes an international conference Radiation mechanisms of astrophysical objects: classics today which will be held in St. Petersburg from September, 21 to September, 25, 2015. The conference will highlight recent advances in the field of interests of V.V. Sobolev. The conference will include plenary sessions with review talks by internationally recognized Russian and foreign scientists and a memorial session. It will continue with parallel sessions on:

- radiative transfer theory,

- physics of interstellar medium,

- physics of stellar and planetary atmospheres,

- high energy astrophysics

at which original results in various branches of modern astrophysics will be presented.


Key dates

1 March 2015 - Registration and abstract submission open

31 July 2015 - Registration and abstract submission deadline

21 September 2015 - Conference opens

25 September 2015 - Conference closes

For details see


Light-scattering software


A new FORTRAN program is available for the computation of polarized bidirectional reflectance of a semi-infinite homogeneous slab composed of sparsely distributed, arbitrarily shaped, randomly oriented particles. The program is based on a numerically exact solution of the vector radiative transfer equation. The following web site provides access to the program and an accompanying detailed user guide: Please address your comments and questions to Michael Mishchenko at michael.i.mishchenko at


New experimental feature of ADDA: an ability to use rectangular dipoles - volume elements with the shape of rectangular parallelepipeds (instead of the default cubes). If you plan to simulate very oblate or prolate particles, when the smallest dimension is much smaller than the wavelength (e.g. needles or sheets), then I encourage you to try it out. The acceleration can be up to 100 times.

The code is available at the branch , so you have to compile it yourself. The only documentation so far is the recently published paper: Smunev DA, Chaumet PC, Yurkin MA. Rectangular dipoles in the discrete dipole approximation. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 2015;156:67-79. which apart from in-depth technical and theoretical discussion contains a brief description of how to use the new feature together with simulation examples. PDF of the paper is freely available for 50 days through , and after that at 20discrete%20dipole%20approxi.pdf

If you have any questions, feel free to use adda-discuss group, or submit an issue to the issue tracker (from Maxim Yurkin).