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Last modified: Wed Aug 30 10:54:51 2017.
NAME: BROWSE_PDS PURPOSE: Browse PDS4 data using a widget to display both metadata and data and output all the data or some subset of it. One can view images in an attached IDL window. CATEGORY: Datafile handling; PDS CALLING SEQUENCE: data_struct = BROWSE_PDS([filename]) INPUTS: filename - Name of PDS XML document that describes the data and datafiles. It is optional; if one uses no input parameters, then a file selection window appears to allow convenient selection of the PDS XML file. OUTPUTS: data_struct - Any subset of the data or metadata KEYWORDS: NO_REORIENT - Do not use display_direction directives to reorient the image. PROCEDURES USED: READ_PDS, TV1 PACKAGE LOCATION: IDL VERSIONS TESTED: 8.4 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland[Sept. 25, 2012]. Major rewrite: increased speed, reduced lines of code, most data text nodes do not need to open a new window, arrays of length 1 now show up. no longer needed. (ES-7/29/15)
(See PDS/browse/
NAME: CONVERT_CODES PURPOSE: Convert C-printf-Style format code to Fortran format code CATEGORY: PDS processing CALLING SEQUENCE: result = convert_codes(codein) INPUTS: codein - a string or string array of C-style format codes. OUTPUTS: Returns a string or string array of Fortran style format codes (for use in IDL readf and printf statements). PROCEDURES USED: Built-in, only. PACKAGE LOCATION: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [Nov. 7, 2013]
(See PDS/
NAME: CREATE_TABLESTRUC PURPOSE: Creates a structure to hold a table. CATEGORY: PDS Processing CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = CREATE_TABLESTRUC(tags, datatype, repetitions, field_length, tabletype) INPUTS: tags - Names of the fields of the table. Expects all tags are IDL valid variable names and are unique. datatype - PDS standard names for field datatypes. repetitions - (Nfields,3) dimensioned integer array. For each field,there is an (N,M,L) to provide the dimension of array. If field is just an array then it will be (N,0,0). (N,M,0) for 2-d array. (N,M,L) for 3-d array field_length - Length of each cell in the field. tabletype - This just needs to be set to "BINARY", if table is binary type OUTPUTS: Result - An IDL Structure to hold a table. KEYWORDS: None. PACKAGE LOCATION: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [Nov. 7, 2013] Added ASCII_DATE DOY, YMD, and UTC types (March 26, 2015, EJS). Change ASCII_Numeric_Base2 to be read into strings and ASCII_Numeric_Base8 and _Base16 to be read into Longs. (March 28, 2015, EJS). Fixed bug in reading ASCII array within a Binary Table (ES/July 9, 2015)
(See PDS/
NAME: GetTagsByName PURPOSE: Get an array of tagnames in a structure matching name expression. Can use full regex in the name (See Learning About Regular Expressions in IDL Help). Will return an array of the values of the variables in the structure corresponding to these tagnames, if /getvalues is set. CATEGORY: structure processing CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = GETTAGSBYNAME(structure,tagname,[/getvalues, root=root, settags=settags, count=count]) INPUTS: structure - An IDL structure tagname - expression to match with the tagname string Regular Expression Examples: '\.name1$' - Search for final tag 'name1' exactly. '\.name1\.[^.]+$' - Search for only direct children of 'name1'. 'name1\.name2$' - Search for tags ending in 'name1.name2'. '\^.name1\.name2(__[1-9])?$' - Search for top level name1 with child 'name2' or 'name2__1', 'name2__2', ... 'name2__9'. OUTPUTS: Returns a string array of full names for tags containing tagname in the structure. If no matches then result[0] = '-1' If getvalues is set, then result is a string array of values of those tags in the structure. If no values return, then result[0] = '-1'. KEYWORDS: getvalues - set to 1 to get values, set to 0 to get tagnames. Will only work if value is scalar or an array, but not a list of structures. root - Optionally can use name of structure as prefix to tagnames settags - If you already know the tags in the structure, then you can improve efficiency. Program will not perform another get_tags. Can also use this to restrict search to certain tags. count - Number of matches found PROCEDURES USED: GET_TAGS PACKAGE LOCATION: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [May 8, 2012]
(See PDS/
NAME: GET_TAGS PURPOSE: This function returns the names of all tags in the structure as a string array. The names are given from the root structure name, which can be passed in along with the structure itself. CATEGORY: structure processing CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = GET_TAGS(structure [, rootname]) INPUTS: structure - Name of structure that will be searched for tagnames OUTPUTS: result - Names of all tags in the structure. IDL procedure tag_name only provides top level structure tag names Optional Input: rootname - The name of the structure, provides the rootname if you want the result names to start with it. PROCEDURES USED: TAG_PTRS PACKAGE LOCATION: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [Nov. 9, 2013]
(See PDS/
NAME: HEADER2HASH PURPOSE: Transform a FITS like header (string array) into two IDL ordered hashes. One hash for the values and one for the line comments or keyword definitions. Also outputs separate arrays of comments and history. CATEGORY: Datafile handling; FITS, PDS CALLING SEQUENCE: hhash = header2hash(header[,comments=comments,history=history,keydefs=keydefs]) INPUTS: header - A string array representing a fits header. OUTPUTS: Returns an ordered hash with keys being the FITS keywords and values are their values. Optionally, the keydefs hash with the comments in fits cards at the end of many lines (after '/') that usually give the definition of the keyword. Optionally, a string array of all the COMMENT cards Optionally, a string array of all of the HISTORY cards KEYWORDS: keydefs - allows the keyword comments to be returned in a hash with same keywords as in the returned value hash. comments - String array return of the COMMENTS cards. history - String array return of the HISTORY cards PACKAGE LOCATION: IDL VERSIONS TESTED: 8.3 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [Oct 5, 2013]. Major rewrite ES April 27, 2015. No longer relies on sxpar and other fits routines in astron library.
(See PDS/
NAME: HEADERTOHASH PURPOSE: Transform a FITS like header (string array) into two IDL hashes. One hash for the values and one for the comments. CATEGORY: Datafile handling; FITS, PDS CALLING SEQUENCE: hhash = headertohash(header,comments=comments INPUTS: header - A string array holding the information from a fits header (or something resembling it) OUTPUTS: A hash with keys being the parameter keywords and values are fits values KEYWORDS: comments - allows the comments to be returned in a hash as well with keys being the parameter keywords. PROCEDURES USED: NONE PACKAGE LOCATION: IDL VERSIONS TESTED: 8.2 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [Oct 5, 2013].
(See PDS/
NAME: LABEL2HASH PURPOSE: Read in a PDS3 label into an ordered hash. Category: Datafile Handling: XML, PDS CALLING SEQUENCE: Return = label2hash(file) Or Return = label2hash() INPUTS: file - filename of .lbl file. If no input then a Widget opens to help select lbl file Outputs: Return is ordered hash of label keywords and values Keywords: None Example: IDL> file = 'dbcp.lbl' IDL> hh=label2hash(file) IDL> print,hh PDS_VERSION_ID: PDS3 RECORD_TYPE: FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES: 240 FILE_RECORDS: 2653 ^TABLE: DBCP.TAB DATA_SET_ID: EAR-C-COMPIL-5-DB-COMET-POLARIMETRY-V1.0 PRODUCT_NAME: DATABASE OF COMET POLARIMETRY PRODUCT_ID: DBCP_TAB INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME: PUBLISHED LITERATURE INSTRUMENT_NAME: COMPILATION TARGET_NAME: COMET TARGET_TYPE: COMET START_TIME: 1940-11-26 STOP_TIME: 2005-07-03 PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME: 2006-07-05 TABLELIST: LISTIDL> hh['TABLELIST',0,'COLUMNLIST',4].keys() [ "COLUMN_NUMBER", "NAME", "START_BYTE", "BYTES", "DATA_TYPE", "FORMAT", "DESCRIPTION", "END_OBJECT" ] Procedures Used:, PACKAGE LOCATION: Modification History Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [JULY 11, 2014] Substantial rewrite to keep carriage returns in a long multiline value. Now, the label is converted into an IDL LIST and then that list is turned into an IDL ORDEREDHASH. [5/6/2015]
(See PDS/
NAME: paramsToStruct PURPOSE: Converts a parameter string array (eg, header for FITS files) into an IDL Structure where each keyword is a tag of a structure and each of these structures contain a value and a comment. The values should by datatyped (float, int, string, etc) correctly. Logical T is transformed to 1byte and F to 0byte. Does not work on PDS labels because it requires unique keynames and OBJECT and END_OBJECT can be repeated. CATEGORY: Datafile handling; PDS; FITS CALLING SEQUENCE: struct = paramsToStruct(paramArray,commentChar=commentChar) INPUTS: paramArr - A string consisting of 'key = value'. Value can have spaces. Comments (which describe the keyvalue) are on the same line and after the value and start with the commentChar character. (eg, ' keyword = 17.3 / A keyword with floating point value') OUTPUTS: struct - A structure in which each keyword is a tag holding a structure. Each of these structure hold a value and a comment. KEYWORDS: commentChar - Character that begins the comment on each line. Default is '/'. PROCEDURES USED: PARSE_PARAMETER PACKAGE LOCATION: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [June 27, 2012] ;
(See PDS/
NAME: PARSE_PARAMETER PURPOSE: Given a string from a parameter/header ('key = value'), returns key and value of a parameter as two element array by basically splitting on an equal sign. If commentChar is set to the delimiter for start of a comment, then it returns a 3 element array [key, value, comment]. Keyword "pos" returns position of beginning of key. If there is no equal sign, then it returns [strtrim(line,2),''] and pos = -1. CATEGORY: Datafile handling; PDS CALLING SEQUENCE: keyval = PARSE_PARAMETER(line, pos=pos, commentChar=commentChar) INPUTS: line - A string consisting of 'key = value'. Value can have spaces. OUTPUTS: keyval - 2 element array with [key,value] as strings or 3 element array, if commentChar keyword is set, with [key,value,comment] KEYWORDS: pos - position of first character of key in paramArr commentChar - character that begins a comment or description PROCEDURES USED: IDL built-in procedures PACKAGE LOCATION: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [April 27, 2012]
(See PDS/
NAME: PDS_OPEN PURPOSE: Opens and return the unit number of a file positioned at a specified offset in bytes EXPLANATION: A normal file is just opened (readonly, if specified) and skips to an offset. For a compressed file, it can determine the type of uncompression and sets up a pipe to uncompress the stream. CALLING SEQUENCE: unit=PDS_OPEN(FILE,OFFSET,READONLY=,COMPRESS=,PIPE=,ERRMSG= ,SILENT=) INPUT PARAMETERS: FILE = file name, scalar string OFFSET = offset from the beginning of the file to start read or write RETURNS: Unit number of file or -1 if an error is detected. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETER: COMPRESS - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then treat the file as compressed. If 1 assume a gzipped file. and use IDLs internal decompression facility. For Unix compressed or bzip2 compressed files spawn off a process to decompress and use its output as the stream. If the keyword is not 1, then use its value as a string giving the command needed for decompression. READONLY - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then OPENR rather than OPENU will be used to open the file. Note that compressed files are always set to /READONLY SILENT - If set, then suppress any messages about invalid characters. OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORDS: ERRMSG = If this keyword is present, then any error messages will be returned to the user in this parameter rather than depending on the MESSAGE routine in IDL. If no errors are encountered, then a null string is returned. PIPE - If set to 1, then the file was opened with a pipe rather than with the OPENR command. This is only required when reading a bzip or Unix compressed file. SIDE EFFECTS: Opens and returns a file unit. PROCEDURE: Open the appropriate file, or spawn a command and intercept the output. Call MRD_SKIP to get to the appropriate extension. PROCEDURE CALLS: MRD_SKIP() (from astron package) PACKAGE LOCATION: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Derived from William Thompson's FXFINDEND routine. Modified by T.McGlynn, 1994 - 1999 as MXPOSIT Modified by W. Landsman 23-Apr-1997 - 2009 as MXPOSIT Rewritten by Ed Shaya for PDS data / U. of Maryland Sept-2013 for use in PDS4
(See PDS/
NAME: PDS_TRANSLATE PURPOSE: Translate paramArr (label) by making substitutions for either keywords or values across the entire array CATEGORY: Datafile handling; PDS CALLING SEQUENCE: paramArr3 = PDS_TRANSLATE(paramArr) INPUTS: paramArr - A PDS like label (basically keyword = value) , string array OUTPUTS: paramArr3 - PDS label after translating terms, (string array) KEYWORDS: NONE PROCEDURES USED: PARSE_PARAMETER RESTRICTIONS: Requires two files holding translation word pairs. One for keyword to substitute the other for value terms to subsitute. Format is "oldword = newword" Example, pds4keysto3.txt has pairs of keywords (pds4 = pds3), and the file pds4valsto3.txt has pairs of values. PACKAGE LOCATION: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya [April 27, 2012]
(See PDS/
NAME: PRETTYHASHOFHASH PURPOSE: Procedure to make pretty text printout of a hash of hashes or lists with increasing indents at each level of the hierarchy. It prints out both the keywords and the values or leaves of the data tree. Mostly used now for seeing a hash produced when reading in XML with CATEGORY: Datafile handling; XML; General IDL HASH/LIST CALLING SEQUENCE: prettyhashofhash,hash,[unit=unit,level=level] INPUTS: HASH - IDL version 8 or above hash. The hash could contain IDL native values, hashes, IDL lists Keywords: UNIT - If unit is set, it will print to file handled by UNIT. Otherwise, it prints to screen. LEVEL - This is only used for recursion (ie internally) PACKAGE LOCATION: IDL VERSIONS TESTED: 8.2 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written Nov. 7, 2013 by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland
(See PDS/
NAME: PRETTYXML PURPOSE: Print contents of an XML file with indentation indicating depth of node Category: Datafile Handling: XML CALLING SEQUENCE: prettyxml,filename INPUTS: XML filename Outputs: None Keywords: None Procedures Used: IDL built-in Document DOM handling routines Modification History Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [Feb 5, 2014]
(See PDS/
NAME READFILE PURPOSE Read a text file into a string array CALLING SEQUENCE: return = readfile([file,filter=filter]) INPUTS file - name of file to read filter - string to be used to filter files when using pickfile widget to select file. PACKAGE LOCATION MODIFICATION HISTORY Written by Ed Shaya (UMd) [May 3, 2012]
(See PDS/
NAME: READ_PDS PURPOSE: This reads metadata from PDS version 4 XML documents, using READ_XML, and then reads the data in the datafile into an IDL structure. CATEGORY: Datafile handling; PDS CALLING SEQUENCE: data_struct = READ_PDS([file, datastatus=datastatus, metadata=metadata, dscale=dscale, version=version]) INPUTS: file - Name and path, if not current directory, of PDS XML document that describes the data and datafiles. However, if there is no file parameter, then a file selection window pops up to allow convenient selection of the PDS XML file. OUTPUTS: data_struct - The data. If the data is held in a FITS data file the output is a structure holding pairs of headers and images/data. It also handles fixed format tables (TABLE_CHARACTER) by returning a structure that is an array of structures. Each row (record) in the table is an element of the array with tagnames given by the names given in the metadata. KEYWORDS: datastatus - Relays error flags from the routines that read the data. metadata - All of the metadata in the PDS XML documents. noNANs - Set this on if NANs are not wanted in real and double fields. version - Prints out version of the code and continues. dscale - Ensures scaling (scale_factor and value_offset) is done in double precision. no_reorient - Set this flag on to prevent images from being reoriented according to sample_ and line_display_direction, so that they are displayed properly with the TV command. Default reorients. PROCEDURES USED: READ_XML, XML2IDL, getTagsByName, PDS_READ_TABLE, PDS_OPEN, PDS_RD_IMAGE, PDS_RD_READ_IMAGE PACKAGE LOCATION: IDL VERSIONS TESTED: 8.2 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [July 19, 2012]. Not yet complete. Add Delimited Tables [Aug 20, 2012]. Add BINARY Tables [May 29, 2013]. Substantial rewrite to ensure info from XML is used rather than headers. Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland Oct. 22, 2013 Removed path keyword. Now filename should contain path if needed Feb 4, 2014. Sep 6, 2014 - Allow for groups inside of groups to form 2 or 3 dimensional arrays. ES Sep 6, 2014 - Reworked PDS datatype to IDL datatype table. ES Sep 9, 2014 - Added scaling for fields in tables. ES Sep 10, 2014 - Use local_identifier as structure tag names. ES Nov 24, 2014 - Make table_name idl_valid when needed. ES Nov 24, 2014 - Fixed a bug that prevented simple arrays in table fields. Nov 24, 2014 - Fix for case where headers have no local identifiers
(See PDS/
NAME: READ_VOTABLE PURPOSE: READ a VOTable.xml document into IDL (Interactive Data Language, ITT). This function reads the file and parses the XML document It outputs a structure where each tag is an array holding a column (field). It optionally outputs a structure with all of the metadata in the VOTable (fieldname, units, description, datatype) It also optionally outputs a 2D string array holding the table values. In metadata, items with text info, such as description, the text is in the child element _text. CATEGORY: Datafile handling; XML, Virtual Observatory CALLING SEQUENCE: table_struct = READ_VOTABLE(filename,metadata=metadata) INPUTS: filename - Name of VOTable.xml file to read (string) OUTPUTS: table_struct - A structure where each tag is an array holding a column from the table. If there is more than one table in the VOTable, then they are all there and tagged TABLE1, TABLE2, etc. KEYWORDS: metadata - an IDL structure holding all of the info in the VOTable.xml PROCEDURES USED: READ_XML, XML2IDL, GET_TAGS PACKAGE LOCATION: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Ed Shaya / U of Maryland [July 19, 2012] Added datatypes (bit, int, boolean) and increased size for long. Ed Shaya (Nov 8, 2013) Nov 24 Fixed a bug for empty elements And for these added NaNs for float and double and large negative number for int, long, long64
(See PDS/
NAME: READ_VOTABLE8 PURPOSE: READ a VOTable.xml document into IDL (Interactive Data Language, ITT). It uses IDL Version 8 and above routines for reading the XML. This function reads the file and parses the XML document It outputs a structure where each tag is an array holding a column (field). It optionally outputs a structure with all of the metadata in the VOTable (fieldname, units, description, datatype). This will be a hash. It also optionally outputs a 2D string array holding the table values. In metadata, items with text info, such as description, the text is in the child element _text. Missing floats and doubles use IDL NaN !Values and integers get -9999... CATEGORY: Datafile handling; XML, Virtual Observatory CALLING SEQUENCE: table_struct = READ_VOTABLE8(filename,metadata=metadata) INPUTS: filename - Name of VOTable.xml file to read (string) OUTPUTS: table_struct - A structure where each tag is an array holding a column from the table. If there is more than one table in the VOTable, then they are all there and tagged TABLE1, TABLE2, etc. KEYWORDS: metadata - an IDL hash holding all of the info in the VOTable.xml PROCEDURES USED: READ_XML8 PACKAGE LOCATION: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Ed Shaya / U of Maryland [November 24, 2013]
(See PDS/
NAME: READ_XML PURPOSE: READ an XML document file into IDL (Interactive Data Language, ITT). Output is either an IDL structure, or an array of parameters (key/value pairs). This function reads the file and parses the XML document into a DOM (Document Object Model) object or IDLffXMLDOMDocument. It passes oDoc to XML2IDL which walks through the nodes creating the structure or paramArr. See XML2IDL about the handling of differences between the object models, DOM vs IDL Structure. CATEGORY: Datafile handling; XML CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_XML(filename, [/toScreen,outFile=outFile,/paramsOut]) INPUTS: filename - name of XML file to read (string) OUTPUTS: Result - Either an IDL Structure or a parameter Array (paramArr, string array) If paramsOut is not set, then it is a structure. KEYWORDS: toScreen - Write paramArr or the structure's tags to screen outFile - If set to a filename, will save paramArr or tags to that file paramsOut - If set to 1, Result is paramArr instead of structure. validation - If set to 1, schema_checking or DTD validation occurs. Schema or DTD need to be on local disk PROCEDURES USED: PARSE_PARAMETER, PDSPAR, XML2IDL, GET_TAGS PACKAGE LOCATION: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya/U. of Maryland [April 27, 2012] Modified to allow for single and double quotes within a text node.Ed Shaya [May 29, 2012] Removed path variable. Now filename should contain path if needed ES [Dec 3, 2013] Fixed a bug which left off an element that had tried but failed to append to array of elements of the same name. [ES/Nov 17, 2014] Added validation flag. But IDL requires schema to be local. [ES/July 8, 2015] Fixed bug where text nodes that are quoted got mauled (ES-7/28/15)
(See PDS/
NAME: READ_XML8 PURPOSE: READ an XML document file into IDL (Interactive Data Language, ITT). This function is specifically for IDL version 8 and above because it uses both OrderedHashes and Lists which were introduced in version 8. Output is an IDL Ordered Hash with Lists for repeating elements. This function reads the file and parses the XML document into a DOM (Document Object Model) object or IDLffXMLDOMDocument. It passes oDoc to XML2IDL8 which walks through the nodes creating the hash. CATEGORY: Datafile handling; XML CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_XML8(filename, [ outFile=outFile, validation = validation ]) INPUTS: filename - name of XML file to read (string) OUTPUTS: Result is a hash of hashes or lists that represents the XML file. One can access the various nodes by indexing into it, like this: IDL> print, hash[rootname,elname,childname,'_text'] If there are siblings with the same name, then they are pulled together in a list which is indexed by number: IDL> i++ IDL> print, hash[rootname,repeatedname,i,childname,'_text']; To see what the childnames are for element elnameN: IDL> print, hash[rootname,elname,...,elnameN].Keys() KEYWORDS: outFile - If set to a filename, will save pretty printout to that file validation - Turns on validation of xml file The Schema or DTD need to on local disk. PROCEDURES USED: XML2IDL8 PACKAGE LOCATION: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [Nov 5, 2013] Removed path variable. Now filename should contain path if needed. ES/Dec 3, 2013. Switched to ordered hash so elements stay in order. Now using ES/Oct 10, 2014. Removed use of prettyhash (toscreen) since IDL now does this natively when you enter the hash name ES/Oct 10, 2014
(See PDS/
NAME: RMELEMENT PURPOSE: Remove an element or several elements from an array by their index number CATEGORY: Array Processing CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = rmelement(array,indx) INPUTS: array - 1 d array which will have some element(s) removed. indx - an integer scalar or array with index values of elements to be removed. OUTPUTS: Returns an array that has fewer elements than the input array. PACKAGE LOCATION: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya a long long time ago. / U. of Maryland Modified to return an empty array when needed. Modified to handle zero length index and indx outside array size. And added a sort to the uniq function to ensure uniqueness really happens. [5/7/15]
(See PDS/
NAME: STR_CLEAN PURPOSE: To remove all unprintable characters from the given string CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = STR_CLEAN (text, [/SPACE]) INPUTS: Text: Scalar string of characters to be cleaned OUTPUTS: Result: Scalar string of characters removed of all unprintable characters OPTIONAL INPUTS: SPACE: removes all unprintable characters including all space chars. EXAMPLE: To remove all unprintable chars except space IDL> word = STR_CLEAN ('the [tab]file is [lf][cr]') IDL> print, word the file is To remove all unprintable chars including space IDL> word = STR_CLEAN ('the [tab]file is [lf][cr]',/SPACE) IDL> print, word thefileis PACKAGE LOCATION: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Puneet Khetarpal, January 15, 2003
(See PDS/
NAME: TVIT PURPOSE: Send a scaled, zoomed/compressed 2-d array to the graphics window It resizes the image to fit the window size and rescales the image with a new zero point. CATEGORY: Graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: TVIT, img, zero, stretchv[, zoomf=zoomf] INPUTS: img - a 2-d image array zero - value in image to be displayed at minimum in color table. stretchv - the difference in value between maximum and minimum. KEYWORDS: zoomf - output of the zoomfactor that is applied to get the array to fit the window. PACKAGE LOCATION: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [11/1/12]
(See PDS/
NAME: XML2IDL PURPOSE: Translate a DOM (Document Object Model) object (read in from an XML file with into either an IDL structure or a parameter array (see paramArr below) by recursion through the document tree. For the IDL structure, XML element names become tagnames in the structure. Elements with non-null text get a '_text' tag. comments are attached to parent elements with '_comment' tag. Attributes are similarly treated with the attribute name as the tagName. They can be distinguished from element text by the lack of a '_text' tag. All non-essential whitespace is removed. IDL variable names are allowed to have only the special characters '_','$', and '!', so all other special characters are converted to '_'. IDL does not accept repeat names as subtags but XML does allow repeats of element names of siblings. Such repeats can often be turned into arrays in IDL, but not always because IDL does not have the concept of a type with optional subcomponents. A decision is made by this program as to whether to handle a repeating element as an array or to alter the element name slightly. If its structure is of identical type as the previous element of same name, then it is appended to an array. Otherwise, a __1, __2, etc. is added to the name. In these cases, no suffix is interpreted as the __0 instance. A string of elements of the same name may translate partially into arrays and partially into altered names. For multiple XML comments on an element, the values are appended into a string array. They must be consecutive. In paramArr, an XML element that holds other elements results in a the string "OBJECT = ElementName" before all of its attributes and children and "END_OBJECT = ElementName" after. Elements which just hold text translate to " Element = textValue ". CATEGORY: Datafile handling; XML CALLING SEQUENCE: XML2IDL, oNode,level=level,struct=struct, [ paramArr = paramArr ] INPUTS: oNode - DOM Document object (IDLffXMLDOMDocument) or top DOM Node (IDLffXMLDOMNode) to convert to string array OUTPUTS: KEYWORDS: level - starting level for indentation, usually set to 0. As level increases during recursion the amount of indentation grows nodeName - returns nodeName of oNode nodeVAlue - returns nodeValue of oNode struct - If there are children elements, this returns a structure holding information on them paramArr - If there are children elements, this returns an array of strings of the form "Element = textValue", if it has text, and "OBJECT = ELEMENT" to start an element and "END_OBJECT = ELEMENT" to close it. To turn it on, set paramArr = 1 or ['1']. To turn it off set paramArr = 0 or ['-1']. PACKAGE LOCATION: PROCEDURE: A number of input parameters and keywords are used internally only. They are used when the program walks through the document tree by recursively calling itself. These are: paramArr, struct, nodeName, and nodeValue MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [April 27, 2012] Modified by Ed Shaya [May 4, 2012] - Changed the ANDs to &&s to speed it up and to fix a bug when using IDL version 6 where index cannot be -1. (ES-7/5/15) Fixed bug where text nodes that are quoted got mauled (ES-7/28/15)
(See PDS/
NAME: XML2IDL8 PURPOSE: Translate a DOM (Document Object Model) object (read in from an XML file with into either an IDL hash by recursion through the document tree. The '8' in the name indicates this version is for IDL version 8.3 and above as it uses ordered hashes and lists which were introduced to IDL in version 8.3. For the IDL hash, XML element names become key names in the hash. Elements with non-null text get a '_text' key. Comments are attached to parent elements with '_comment' key. Attributes are similarly treated with the attribute name as the key. They can be distinguished from element text by the lack of a '_text' key. All non-essential whitespace is removed. IDL variable names are allowed to have only the special characters '_','$', and '!', so all other special characters are converted to '_'. CATEGORY: Datafile handling; XML CALLING SEQUENCE: myhash = XML2IDL8(oChild,nodeName=childName,nodeValue=childValue) INPUTS: oNode - DOM Document object (IDLffXMLDOMDocument) or top DOM Node (IDLffXMLDOMNode) to convert to string array OUTPUTS: Returns a hash of hashes or lists that represents the XML file. One can access the various nodes by indexing into it, like this: IDL> print, hash[rootname,elName,childname,'_text'] If there are siblings with the same name, then they are pulled together in a list which is indexed by number: IDL> i++ IDL> print, hash[rootname,repeatedname,i,childname,'_text'] KEYWORDS: nodeName - returns nodeName of oNode nodeVAlue - returns nodeValue of oNode hash - If there are children elements, this returns a hash holding information on them PROCEDURE: A number of input parameters and keywords are used internally only. They are used when the program walks through the document tree by recursively calling itself. These are: paramArr, nodeName, and nodeValue MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [Nov 5, 2013] Removed empty _text except for true empty elements ES [Dec 2013]
(See PDS/
NAME: XMLDocument__define PURPOSE: We subclass IDLffDOMDocument to add a convenient SetElement method. It allows one to create a new element with multiple attributes and a text node plus place in it the Document tree by naming its parent and optionally naming the next sibling. Category: Datafile Handling: XML CALLING SEQUENCE: oXML = OBJ_NEW('XMLDocument') Return = oXML->SetElement(name,parent,atts=atts,attvals=atvals,$ text=text, before=before) Required INPUTS: name - Tag name of the element being created. parent - object that holds parent of element If parent is the XMLDocument then it is the root node. Optional INPUT KEYWORDS: atts - string or stringarr of attribute names for element. attvals - string or stingarr of values for attributes text - string for textnode of element before - next sibling. If not specified, Element is placed as last sibling (appended instead of inserted before). Outputs: Return - Object reference to the element created Example: IDL> hh=orderedhash('E1','Text for E1','E2','Text for E2','E3','Text for E3') IDL> atts = ['att1','att2'] IDL> attvals =['att1 value','att2 value'] IDL> oXML = OBJ_NEW('XMLDocument') IDL> oroot = oXML->SetElement('RootElement',oXML,atts='xmlns',$ IDL> attvals='somenamespace') IDL> keys = hh.keys() IDL> ochild1 = oXML->SetElement(keys[0],oroot,$ IDL> atts='att1',attvals='att1 value',text=hh[keys[0]]) IDL> ochild2 = oXML->SetElement(keys[1],oroot,$ IDL> atts=atts,attvals=attvals,text=hh[keys[1]]) IDL> ochild3 = oXML->SetElement(keys[2],oroot,text=hh[keys[2]]) IDL>,string=outstring,/pretty_print IDL> OBJ_DESTROY, oXML IDL> print,outstring <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <RootElement xmlns="somenamespace"> <E1 att1="att1 value">Text for E1</E1> <E2 att1="att1 value" att2="att2 value">Text for E2</E2> <E3>Text for E3</E3> </RootElement> (Note: lessthan sign was encoded so that it appears correctly on the web) Procedures Used: Just built-in procedures PACKAGE LOCATION: Modification History Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [JULY 11, 2014]. Changed parent from a keyword to a required parameter ES [5/7/15].
(See PDS/