Problem Solving
in Astrophysics
Time: M 2:00-2:50, Spring 2007
Room: CSS 0201
Prof: Doug Hamilton
Interested in this course but not free Mondays?
Email me - we may be able to move the date and/or time.
Class Description
This course will be based on a new book "Building Physical Intuition
in Mechanics" that is being written by Professors Doug Hamilton and
Cole Miller. The book consists of a set of 200 exercises where a
problem is posed and several possible answers are given. In most
cases, all but one of the answers can be ruled out by simple methods
including: i) checking physical units, ii) checking limits, iii)
taking advantage of symmetries, iv) simple conservation laws, and v)
estimation techniques. We will work together though the problems in
the book, building good problem solving techniques as we go. The
course is primarily designed for Juniors and Seniors majoring in
Physics and/or Astronomy, but talented Sophomores may also find the
course useful and interesting.
Class Organization
The weekly meeting will consist of a short presentation on aspects of
problem solving by the Instructor, followed by a few worked
examples. Students will work on the problems on their own outside of
class, in teams during class, and will also present solutions to the
rest of the class at the whiteboard. Pass/Fail grades will be
assigned based on attendance and participation.
Student Evaluations
to Doug Hamilton's Home Page