ASTR 688A, Discussion Course on Gravitational Radiation
Spring 2004
A weekly discussion of papers on gravitational radiation and its
sources. Meetings are 7-8 PM on Mondays, in the new conference
room CSS 1248. The first discussion will be on February 2, the second
Monday of the semester. In each meeting, a volunteer or someone picked
randomly will lead the discussion. Students who take this for
credit will be graded P/F, based only on attendance and
reasonable participation (no homework or exams).
The following is a suggested list of papers. Substitutions can
be made if requested.
Basics of gravitational waves
Sources: neutron stars
- February 16. Double neutron star systems:
"A Double-Pulsar System - A Rare Laboratory for Relativistic
Gravity and Plasma Physics", A. G. Lyne et al. 2003, astro-ph/0401086
More info on NS-NS statistics:
"The Probability Distribution of Binary Pulsar Coalescence Rates. I. Double
Neutron Star Systems in the Galactic Field", Kim et al. 2003, ApJ, 584, 985
- February 23. Solitary neutron stars:
"Neutron Star Pulsations
and Instabilities", Lee Lindblom 2001, astro-ph/0101136
For the original paper on neutron star r-mode instabilities:
"A New Class of Unstable Modes of Rotating Relativistic Stars",
N. Andersson 1998 ApJ, 502, 708
Sources: black holes
- March 15. Stellar-mass:
"Black Hole Mergers in the Universe", S. F. Portegies Zwart and
S. L. W. McMillan 2000, ApJ, 528, L17
- March 29. Intermediate-mass:
"Gravitational Radiation from Intermediate-Mass Black Holes", M. C. Miller
2002, ApJ, 581, 438
- April 5. Supermassive:
"Cosmology with coalescing massive black holes", S. A. Hughes and D. E. Holz
2003, Class. Quantum Grav. 20, S65
Sources: other
- April 12. Supernovae:
"Gravitational radiation from axisymmetric rotational core collapse", K. Kotake
et al. 2003, Phys. Rev. D., 68, 044023
- April 19. Primordial:
"Detectability of the primordial origin of the gravitational wave background
in the Universe", J. Lesgourgues et al. 2000, A\&A, 359, 414
For many more theoretical details, see:
"Gravitational radiation from cosmological turbulence", A. Kosowsky et al.
2002, Phys. Rev. D., 66, 024030
- April 26. WD-WD background:
"The gravitational wave background from cosmological compact binaries",
A. J. Farmer and E. S. Phinney 2003, MNRAS, 346, 1197
Data analysis
Numerical relativity
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