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Selected and retrieved 27 abstracts. |
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2006A&A...456..713L 1.000 09/2006 A E F L R C U Loukitcheva, M.; The dynamics of the solar chromosphere: Solanki, S. K.; White, S. comparison of model predictions with millimeter-interferometer observations
2006SPD....37.0125B 1.000 06/2006 A U Brosius, J. W.; White, S. Radio Measurements of the Height of Strong Coronal Magnetic FieldsAbove Sunspots at the Solar Limb
2005AGUSMSH43A..16B 1.000 05/2005 A U Bastian, T. S.; Bradley, R.; The Green Bank Solar Radio Burst Spectrometer White, S.; Mastrantonio, E.
2004ApJ...613..381C 1.000 09/2004 A E F L X D R C S U H
Corcoran, M. F.; Hamaguchi, K.; Waiting in the Wings: Reflected X-Ray
Gull, T.; Davidson, K.; Emission from the Homunculus Nebula
Petre, R.; Hillier, D. J.;
Smith, N.; Damineli, A.;
Morse, J. A.; Walborn, N. R.;
and 6 coauthors
2004IAUS..223..643L 1.000 00/2004 A E T C U Loukitcheva, M. A.; The solar chromosphere as seen in Solanki, S. K.; White, S. high-resolution millimeter observations
2003ApJ...595L..33S 1.000 09/2003 A E F L X R C S N U H Sheth, K.; Frail, D. A.; Millimeter Observations of GRB 030329: White, S.; Das, M.; Continued Evidence for a Two-Component Jet Bertoldi, F.; Walter, F.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Berger, E.
2003SPIE.4853..531W 1.000 02/2003 A L T C U White, S.; Lee, J.; Imaging capabilities of the Frequency Agile Aschwanden, M. A.; Solar Radiotelescope (FASR) Bastian, T. S.
2003SPIE.4853..111W 1.000 02/2003 A L T C U White, S.; Kassim, N. E.; Solar radioastronomy with the LOFAR (low Erickson, W. C. frequency array) radio telescope
2002AGUFMSH52A0450B 1.000 12/2002 A U Biesecker, D. A.; Two wave morphologies in SOHO/EIT - EIT waves Thompson, B. J.; Hudson, H. S.; and Moreton waves Warmuth, A.; White, S.
2002cosp.meetE1870B 1.000 00/2002 A Bastian, T.; Gary, D.; The frequency agile solar telescope (FASR) White, S.; Hurford, G.
2002cosp.meetE1039W 1.000 00/2002 A White, S. Understanding solar flares from radio observations
2001ApJ...562.1031C 1.000 12/2001 A E F L X D R C S U Corcoran, M. F.; Swank, J. H.; The Chandra HETGS X-Ray Grating Spectrum of η Petre, R.; Ishibashi, K.; Carinae Davidson, K.; Townsley, L.; Smith, R.; White, S.; Viotti, R.; Damineli, A.
2001AGUSM..SH31D03L 1.000 05/2001 A U Leka, K. D.; White, S.; Coronal Sunspot Magnetic Fields: Mikic, Z.; Lee, J. Extrapolation vs. Direct Observation
2000eaa..bookE2598W 1.000 11/2000 A E L R U White, S. Solar Spectroscopy: Continuum Radio Emission and Diagnostics
2000arxt.confE..93I 1.000 00/2000 A T U Ishibashi, K.; Corcoran, M. F.; Recurrent X-ray Emission Variation of Eta Swank, J. H.; Davidson, K.; Carinae and the Binary Hypothesis Drake, S. A.; Petre, R.; Damineli, A.; White, S.
2000AIPC..522..431C 1.000 00/2000 L T Corcoran, M. F.; RXTE X-ray monitoring of the supermassive Fredericks, A. C.; Petre, R.; star eta carinae: Colliding wind emission in Swank, J. H.; Drake, S. A.; a pre-hypernova candidate binary? Davidson, K.; Ishibashi, K.; White, S.; Damineli, A.
1999ApJ...524..983I 1.000 10/1999 A E F L R C S U Ishibashi, K.; Corcoran, M. F.; Recurrent X-Ray Emission Variations of η Davidson, K.; Swank, J. H.; Carinae and the Binary Hypothesis Petre, R.; Drake, S. A.; Damineli, A.; White, S.
1999LNP...523...80W 1.000 00/1999 L T R C White, S. Radio Evidence for Non-isotropic Outflows from Hot Stars
1998ApJ...494..381C 1.000 02/1998 A E F L D R C S U
Corcoran, M. F.; Petre, R.; The ASCA X-Ray Spectrum of eta Carinae
Swank, J. H.; Drake, S. A.;
Koyama, K.; Tsuboi, Y.;
Viotti, R.; Damineli, A.;
Davidson, K.; Ishibashi, K.;
and 1 coauthor
1996AAS...188.3603L 1.000 05/1996 A F G U Lee, J.; White, S.; Polarization of Microwaves Emitted From A Gopalswamy, N.; Kundu, M. R. Bipolar Active Region
1995AAS...187.8106L 1.000 12/1995 A C S U Lame, N. J.; Harrington, P.; High Resolution Imagery of BD+30°3639 and Its Borkowski, K.; White, S. Dusty Halo
1994IAUC.5932....2W 1.000 02/1994 A E C S U White, S.; Duncan, R.; Eta Carinae Drake, S.; Lim, J.; Kundu, M.
1994ApJ...421..800M 1.000 02/1994 A F G D R C S O U
Maran, S. P.; Robinson, R. D.; Observing stellar coronae with the Goddard
Shore, S. N.; Brosius, J. W.; High Resolution Spectrograph. 1: The dMe star
Carpenter, K. G.; AU microscopoii
Woodgate, B. E.; Linsky, J. L.;
Brown, A.; Byrne, P. B.;
Kundu, M. R.; and 4 coauthors
1991BAAS...23.1382M 1.000 09/1991 F G C S U
Maran, S. P.; Woodgate, B. E.; An Investigation of the Flare Star AU Mic
Carpenter, K. G.; with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph
Robinson, R. D.; Shore, S. N.; on the Hubble Space Telescope
Linsky, J. L.; Brown, A.;
Byrne, P. B.; Kundu, M. R.;
White, S.; and 3 coauthors
1989ApJ...347..505K 1.000 12/1989 A F G R C U Kundu, M.; Gopalswamy, N.; The radio signatures of a slow coronal mass White, S.; Cargill, P.; ejection - Electron acceleration at slow-mode Schmahl, E. J.; Hildner, E. shocks?
1989BAAS...21..828N 1.000 03/1989 F G Nitta, N.; White, S.; Simultaneous Microwave and Soft X-ray Kundu, M.; Gopalswamy, N.; Observations of Active Regions at the Solar Holman, G.; Brosius, J.; Limb Schmelz, J.; Saba, J.; Strong, K.
1981PASAu...4..235W 1.000 00/1981 A F G U White, S. Cook's model and linewidths of OH masers
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