2004 03 31 14:01:00
Period of broadband continuum, subtracted using previous day
2004 03 31 15:40:00
Continuum during lower frequency period, subtracted using previous day
2004 03 31 22:01:00
Later continuum, subtraction from previous day
2004 05 13 12:05:00
Short-lived continuum not obviously associated with a flare, C8 flare
followed by short-wave fade out at 13:30 UT.
2004 06 18 16:00:00
Long-lived storm continuum, many Type IIIs.
2004 06 19 19:00:00
Ongoing Type III storm continuum.
2004 07 19 14:40:00
Continuum during period of high solar activity.
2004 08 09 20:00:00
Ongoing Type-III-like storm activity.
2004 08 10 21:50:00
Possible weak continuum following a C1 flare.
2004 08 12 12:50:00
Unusual spiky continuum - not clear whether flare associated. Weak low-frequency Type II possible late.
2004 08 12 19:39:00
Spiky Type-I-like continuum.
2004 08 13 20:00:00
Another example of spiky continuum from the same region.
2004 08 14 11:15:00
More continuum, less spiky, drifting feature towards the end.
2004 08 14 20:11:00
Another period of continuum following a quiet period.
2004 09 08 12:35:00
Continuum with slow-drift features but no flare.