2005 11 29 16:30:00 | Type II from very gradual C4 flare |
2005 11 14 14:20:00 | Spectacular high-frequency Type II with no low-frequency emission, weak fadeout. |
2005 10 11 17:19:00 | Classic III/II event from innocuous C1 flare from spotless region. |
2005 09 10 21:37:00 | Structure in impulsive phase of gradual X2: II reported from 2137-2143, I dont see it. |
2005 09 09 19:36:00 | Structure in impulsive phase of slow-rise X6 flare, II reported from 19:34 to 19:49 (?) |
2005 09 07 17:23:00 | Huge X17 flare, early fadeout to high frequency, reported as II but very messy |
2005 08 22 16:55:00 | Possible weak slow II from M6 flare |
2005 08 02 18:22:00 | M4 flare, reported as a II, short-wave fadeout |
2005 08 01 13:54:30 | Long-duration M1 flare with Type IV, possible brief low frequency II, interference towards the end. |
2005 07 24 13:43:30 | Long complex event with no visible soft X-rays (GOES at A5) but big CME from east limb, reported as a II from San Vito. |
2005 07 13 14:30:00 | Possible II very late after the M5 flare. |
2005 07 10 15:10:00 | Very sharp M1 flare, reported as a Type II at 15:20, plus interference |
2005 07 09 21:54:30 | Type IV following M2 flare |
2005 07 09 21:54:00 | Type II and other emission at onset of M2 flare |
2005 06 24 19:55:00 | Weak II possible, no reported flare. |
2005 06 16 20:06:00 | Large long M flare: complex but very brigt, FH Type II buried early in the emission |
2005 06 14 15:32:00 | Weak II from long-duration C7 flare |
2005 06 13 18:35:00 | Possible very weak II from small flare |
2005 06 05 13:50:00 | Weak event, II or IV, no reported flare but region on east limb |
2005 06 03 12:04:00 | Type II from M1 flare |
2005 06 01 22:21:00 | Odd structure possibly in late phase of earlier flare. |
2005 05 31 14:35:00 | C3 flare from small active region, complex group of IIIs followed by classic II |
2005 05 15 22:29:00 | Very impulsive M4 event with clear II later, interesting structure early, possible herringbone |
2005 05 14 20:44:00 | Long duration C3 flare, early phase: probably a II, also lightning from storms |
2005 05 13 16:39:00 | Huge burst from an M8 flare - early fast II possible |
2005 05 11 20:00:00 | Possible second Type II in M1 flare |
2005 05 11 19:35:00 | Fundamental-harmonic Type II in an M1 flare. |
2005 05 11 19:25:00 | M1 flare, Type II and IV |
2005 05 06 16:45:00 | Gradual C9 flare with a clean type II |
2005 05 02 22:33:00 | Very low-frequency Type II burst from C8 long-duration event, single split band (frequency ratio not 2). The fundamental and the continuation of the harmonic were seen by WIND/WAVES. |
2005 04 19 21:49:00 | Big Type II from a long-duration B8 flare, no impulsive component. |
2005 04 17 21:01:00 | C5 flare with Type II, second peak in a double event. |
2005 02 14 16:10:00 | Low-frequency slow-drift feature |
2005 02 14 15:40:00 | Low-frequency slow-drift feature |
2005 01 15 14:20:00 | M3 flare on top of Type IV from earlier event |