Green Bank Solar Radio Burst Spectrometer
Background-Subtracted High Frequency Hourly Dynamic Spectra: 2007 09 24
The sum of two linear polarizations is plotted.
The frequency range is about 160 (bottom) to 1000 MHz (top of each panel).
Dropouts occur if the 45-foot antenna loses tracking.
Vertical ticks every 10 minutes, horizontal ticks at 300, 500, 700, 900
Vertical white lines (dotted lines on light curve) indicate local sunrise and sunset (to within 2 minutes).
Click on a panel to see a larger image (4 second resolution).
11-12 UT | 12-13 UT | 13-14 UT | 14-15 UT |
15-16 UT | 16-17 UT | 17-18 UT | 18-19 UT |
19-20 UT | 20-21 UT | 21-22 UT | 22-23 UT |