2011 01 21 04:14:00
BIRS: C3 flare with a bright III
2011 01 26 22:02:30
BIRS: B3 flare
2011 01 27 19:56:00
C1 flare, possible faint II
2011 01 28 00:55:00
BIRS: Type II from an M flare as region goes over west limb, small particle event.
2011 01 28 04:14:00
BIRS: C1 flare, diffuse emission was not reported but it was weakly visible in the Learmonth and Hiraiso spectra.
2011 02 11 21:41:00
HI: High-frequency onset of a burst possibly from B8 flare
2011 02 11 21:41:30
MERGE: Burst possibly from B8 flare, reported as Type II, GB Mid data bad
2011 02 11 21:46:00
reported as Type II possibly from a B8 flare
2011 02 11 23:05:00
BIRS: Low frequency emission from a C1 flare
2011 02 13 17:32:00
MERGE: Decimetric emission from an M7 flare, high-frequency Type II and IV
2011 02 13 17:32:10
MERGE: Longer view of M7 flare
2011 02 14 05:47:00
BIRS: Burst of Type IIIs
2011 02 14 12:59:30
Type II, flare timing does not seem to match
2011 02 14 17:23:30
MERGE: M2 flare with bright Moreton wave (no HI data)
2011 02 14 19:26:00
MERGE: Type IIIs from a C flare
2011 02 15 00:28:00
BIRS: C3 flare
2011 02 15 01:47:00
BIRS: First X flare of the cycle
2011 02 15 01:50:00
BIRS: Type IV following the X2 flare
2011 02 16 14:22:00
MERGE: Complex emission from an M1 flare
2011 02 16 14:22:30
HI: Decimetric Type IV from M2 flare
2011 02 17 21:29:00
BIRS: BIRS view of the C1 flare below 60 MHz, shows harmonic structure in Type II
2011 02 17 21:30:00
MERGE: C1 flare, possible weak II towards the end, structure in the LO band
2011 02 20 03:53:00
BIRS: Group of Type IIIs from a C2 flare
2011 02 24 07:30:00
BIRS: M4 flare on the north-east limb, huge prominence eruption, reported as II/IV
2011 03 03 14:17:00
MERGE: C5 flare
2011 03 03 14:53:30
HI: Decimetric burst from small flare (flare not reported)
2011 03 05 18:30:00
HI: Decimetric noise storm
2011 03 06 15:23:00
MERGE: C4 flare with high-frequency IIIs
2011 03 07 14:09:00
MERGE: M2 flare with gradual SXR rise, II and IV
2011 03 07 19:44:00
MERGE: Impulsive phase of M4 flare
2011 03 07 19:44:05
MERGE: Extended phase of M4 flare
2011 03 07 19:44:10
HI: Big decimetric event from an M4 flare
2011 03 08 03:42:00
BIRS: M2 flare with bright flare continuum, Type IV above this frequency range
2011 03 09 22:02:30
MERGE: C9 flare - no radio emission from X1 flare 1 hour later
2011 03 09 23:16:00
BIRS: The second X flare of the cycle: big fadeout but just one pathetic Type III
2011 03 12 04:39:00
BIRS: Bottom end of a Type II from an M1 flare
2011 03 12 15:24:00
MERGE: M1 flare with Type II event, very weak in the LO band
2011 03 12 16:25:30
HI: Bright decimetric emission in the rise phase of a very gradual C2 flare.
2011 03 14 20:12:00
HI: Decimetric emission in the decay phase of an M4 flare
2011 03 21 02:17:00
Looks like a II/IV event but no flare reported, possibly over limb, Culgoora and Learmonth just reported IIIs
2011 03 22 03:15:00
BIRS: C2 flare with long group of Type III bursts
2011 03 23 02:07:30
BIRS: M1 flare with intense group of IIIs
2011 03 23 17:06:45
MERGE: Type IIIs from a C1 flare
2011 03 24 02:49:00
BIRS: B6 flare with more intense IIIs
2011 03 24 12:01:45
MERGE: M1 flare with odd rising-frequency narrowband feature below 30 MHz
2011 03 24 12:03:00
The odd low-frequency feature in the M1 flare
2011 03 24 15:20:00
A day of IIIs
2011 03 24 17:01:00
MERGE: C9 flare in the middle of a cluster of impulsive flares
2011 03 24 17:13:30
MERGE: C1 flare in same cluster of events
2011 03 24 18:52:00
MERGE: Another C1 flare
2011 03 24 20:55:00
MERGE: Yet another of these events on this day
2011 03 25 00:34:30
BIRS: C1 flare
2011 03 25 06:07:00
BIRS: Flare with extended emission below 25 MHz
2011 03 25 23:11:00
BIRS: M1 flare with II/IV bursts, fast-drift II
2011 03 26 14:42:00
MERGE: B7 flare
2011 03 27 00:11:00
BIRS: C3 flare, classic II/III event but II was not reported althoug clearly visible at Learmonth
2011 03 27 05:11:00
BIRS: II/IV event, no flare reported, II reported as above 50 MHz so just see tail here
2011 04 01 03:50:00
BIRS: C3 flare with Type IIIs
2011 07 11 10:47:00
C3 flare reported as Type II from 10:49 to 11:04, does not look like a II to me, composed of short-duratio, small bandwidth bursts
2011 07 28 14:52:00
Possible weak low-frequency II, not reported, from a C4 flare
2011 07 30 12:13:30
HI: Decimetric emission from C1 flare, high end of cluster of IIIs
2011 07 30 12:13:30
Cluster of IIIs from a C1 flare
2011 08 03 13:18:00
HI: Large decimetric burst from an M6 flare
2011 08 04 14:07:00
HI: Don't think this is solar: 100% polarized decimetric emission during C1 flare
2011 08 06 22:20:00
HI: Burst plus noise storm or weak IV
2011 08 08 18:00:00
MERGE: M3 flare, reported to have fast-drift Type II, also has a decimetric Type IV
2011 08 08 18:02:00
MERGE: Impulsive phase of M3 flare
2011 09 06 22:14:00
HI: Decimetric emission from X2 flare, may be some bleeding of lower frequencies into upper edge due to saturation
2011 09 06 22:14:00
MERGE: Full frequency range for X2 flare, issues in MID where it was very bright (245 MHz). Type II not obvious in any one band but looks to be present in full range.
2011 09 06 22:18:00
Details of low-frequency emission from an X2 flare
2011 09 07 22:33:00
MERGE: X2 flare with high-frequency II, short wave fadeout, not much happening at low frequencies
2011 09 07 22:35:00
HI: Decimetric emission from an X2 flare
2011 09 08 15:34:00
HI: M7 flare
2011 09 08 15:36:00
MERGE: M7 flare,not much low frequency emission
2011 09 24 11:30:00
MERGE: Huge burst from M7 flare, no obvious II.
2011 09 24 12:40:00
MERGE: Main phase of long-duration M7 flare
2011 09 24 18:02:30
MERGE: M3 flare with impulsive radio emission
2011 09 24 19:06:00
MERGE: M3 flare with long decimetric burst, Type IV
2011 09 24 19:08:00
MERGE: Main phase of M3 flare
2011 09 25 15:25:00
MERGE: Impulsive emission from M4 flare
2011 09 25 19:51:00
MERGE: Smaller flare, impulsive emission
2011 09 29 17:34:00
HI: C6 flare with Type IIIs
2011 09 30 13:41:00
HI: B8 flare, decimetric emission
2011 09 30 18:45:00
M1 flare, period with LWA TBN data
2011 09 30 18:51:00
MERGE: M1 flare with a Type II and decimetric emission
2011 10 02 00:38:00
BIRS: M4 flare with weak microwave emission but Type IIIs lasting for many minutes
2011 10 02 21:43:00
BIRS: C8 flare with bright IIIs
2011 10 02 21:43:00
C8 flare, compare with BIRS version: GB seems to have much higher ionospheric cutoff
2011 10 10 14:32:00
HI: Highly impulsive C5 flare, decimetric IIIs but nothing at low frequencies.
2011 10 12 15:21:00
MERGE: C1 flare with high-frequency Type III bursts, very little at low frequencies
2011 10 13 14:48:00
HI: B9 flare with decimetric IIIs
2011 10 16 13:52:00
HI: Onset of C1 flare with Type II, no coverage below 300 MHz
2011 10 17 18:06:00
C2 flare, very fast IIIs, note somewhat high ionospheric cutoff
2011 10 21 12:55:40
Detail in the impulsive phase of M1 flare
2011 10 21 12:56:00
M1 flare with very weak II seen at higher frequencies elsewhere
2011 11 03 20:20:00
HI: Onset of very impulsive X2 flare at decimeter wavelengths, no low-frequency emission.
2011 11 09 13:05:00
Type II from M1 flare
2011 11 14 23:43:00
BIRS: C4 flare with Type II burst
2011 11 17 01:29:00
BIRS: C3 flare reported to have a Type II burst
2011 11 17 07:20:00
BIRS: C6 flare with Type II burst
2011 11 19 01:19:00
BIRS: Type II/III event from a C1 flare
2011 12 22 01:58:00
BIRS: C5 flare with very bright low-frequency II
2011 12 25 18:05:00
Type IV from an M4 event
2011 12 25 18:16:00
MERGE: M4 flare from rapidly emerging region, likely very broadband II, no HI data at GB, timing of radio emission relative to X-rays seems late, GB clock looked to be slow on this day by 3 minutes
2011 12 25 20:23:00
BIRS: C8 flare with long group of IIIs
2011 12 25 20:26:00
MERGE: C8 flare, long group of IIIs: looks like we have a timing error of a few minutes cf BIRS and event reports, we are delayed
2011 12 25 20:32:00
BIRS: Possible weak II creeping into top of the range: not reported, looks to be present in the Culgoora plot above 100 MHz.
2011 12 26 02:10:00
BIRS: M1.5 flare with long duration IIIs, possible II after the period shown
2011 12 27 04:09:30
BIRS: Big burst from a C9 flare, likely II not reported
2011 12 28 20:15:00
BIRS: Long duration IIIs from a C4 flare.
2011 12 28 20:23:00
MERGE: Decimetric emission from a C4 flare, not much at low frequencies except ongoing noise storm
2011 12 30 20:17:00
BIRS: C4 flare, multiple IIIs and what may be an unreported II
2011 12 31 17:15:00
MERGE: Odd burst apparently from gradual C1 flare
2011 12 31 17:20:00
MERGE: Odd burst - nearest flare is a small gradual C1 flare
2011 12 31 17:26:00
MERGE: Bright region of odd burst apparently from gradual C1 flare - possible II, not clear