2012 01 02 14:55:00
MERGE: Very gradual C2 flare, looks like a possible unreported II but odd
2012 01 02 15:00:30
Possible II, odd, not reported
2012 01 18 23:18:00
BIRS: Classic split-band fundamental-harmonic Type II from a C5 flare
2012 01 20 21:02:00
BIRS: II/III bursts from a C1 flare
2012 03 09 03:35:00
BIRS: Impulsive phase of M6 flare, huge radio burst, bright flare continuum, reportedly a II just gets into this frequency range that is the first feature visible at 55 MHz at 03:43, later features also have a harmonic ratio that might be a continuation of the II.
2012 03 10 15:56:00
Radio burst, no flare reported
2012 03 13 17:17:00
Another M8 flare with a big radio burst: there are lots of short-lived features with apparent harmonic ratios
2012 03 17 20:34:00
MERGE: M1 flare, full range showing decimetric emission, HI and MID data not great
2012 03 17 20:37:00
Impulsive M1 flare, very sharp Type II trace
2012 03 19 21:57:00
BIRS: C4 flare with bright IIIs at onset, interesting brief harmonic feature later
2012 03 26 22:48:00
MID: Type II burst, no flare reported, no LO data, MID data are poor
2012 04 16 00:22:00
C1 flare, possible II
2012 04 18 17:15:00
Poor LO data for a Type II from a C5 flare
2012 05 11 03:30:00
BIRS: Bright IIIs followed by a weak II, C3 flare with several steps in rise
2012 05 17 01:27:00
BIRS: West-limb M5 flare with large particle event, small GLE
2012 06 01 22:28:00
BIRS: Prompt Type II from a C3 flare, no other bursts in the impulsive phase
2012 06 01 22:29:00
BIRS: Longer view of C3 flare, possible IV-like emission later on
2012 06 03 17:51:30
MERGE: Very impulsive M3 flare with fast-drift decimetric emission at onset
2012 06 03 17:52:00
Very impulsive M3 flare with Type II burst, odd structures
2012 06 06 19:54:30
MERGE: M2 flare with decimetric emission and a II with high cutoff frequency
2012 06 06 20:02:30
Odd possible Type II segment from M2 flare with high lower-edge cutoff
2012 06 08 03:03:00
BIRS: Bright Type II from a C8 flare, lots of interference
2012 07 02 05:02:00
BIRS: C4 flare with a brief II
2012 07 06 23:01:00
BIRS: X1 flare with messy II, short-wave fadeout
2012 07 19 05:17:00
BIRS: Type II from a very gradual (remarkably so) M8 flare
2012 07 23 02:15:00
BIRS: Type II from a huge flare 4 days behind the west limb
2012 07 30 04:15:00
BIRS: Weak Type II from a C4 flare
2012 07 30 23:55:00
BIRS: Strong Type II from a C6 flare, multiple traces
2012 07 31 21:58:00
BIRS: C2 flare with a weak II
2012 08 03 05:50:00
BIRS: Weak Type II from a C3 flare
2012 08 15 03:41:00
BIRS: Impulsive phase of double event, B9 - looks like a split band feature, no II reported.
2012 09 02 01:45:00
BIRS: C3 flare - possible very weak II portion at 02:05, Type IV much later
2012 09 15 22:56:00
BIRS: Type II burst from a C1 flare, no other radio bursts
2012 09 25 04:22:00
BIRS: Looks like an unreported Type II from a C4 flare
2012 09 27 23:40:00
BIRS: Big bright Type II from a C4 flare
2012 10 15 20:50:00
BIRS: Onset of continuum, almost looks like a Type II
2012 10 20 20:55:00
BIRS: Unreported Type II, no X-rays so over the limb
2012 11 08 02:13:00
BIRS: Classic II/III event from an M2 flare near the east limb
2012 11 11 02:17:00
BIRS: M1 flare, Type II with relatively high cutoff frequency
2012 11 12 23:14:00
BIRS: M2 flare with Type II, short-wave fadeout
2012 11 13 01:56:00
BIRS: M6 flare, short portion of Type II not reported by NOAA