2012 01 16 02:50:00
BIRS: Classic Type IV from a long duration C7 flare
2012 01 19 14:29:00
HI: Decimetric Type IV from very long duration M3; no LO data due to hardware problems
2012 01 19 20:05:00
BIRS: Long-lasting Type IV from the earlier long-duration M3 flare
2012 01 23 03:31:00
BIRS: Major M9 flare with big fast CME
2012 01 26 04:30:00
BIRS: Simple (apparently unreported) Type IV from a C6 flare
2012 01 27 18:09:00
HI: Major burst from an X2 flare on the west limb, no LO data, large particle event with fast CME
2012 03 03 18:20:00
HI: C1 flare, long duration, with large decimetric burst (captured by EVLA also). Our HI data are pretty bad, modulations in frequency.
2012 03 05 02:40:00
BIRS: Major burst from an X1 flare, note begins well before main impulsive phase at 03:33, no clear Type II
2012 03 05 03:33:00
BIRS: Impulsive phase of the X flare
2012 03 09 03:35:00
BIRS: Impulsive phase of M6 flare, huge radio burst, bright flare continuum, reportedly a II just gets into this frequency range that is the first feature visible at 55 MHz at 03:43, later features also have a harmonic ratio that might be a continuation of the II.
2012 03 09 03:35:30
BIRS: Long duration Type IV from the M6 flare
2012 03 10 17:27:00
MERGE: M8 flare long-duration radio burst: bad data in HI, MID ranges
2012 03 10 18:08:00
Low-frequency component of the Type IV from the M8 flare
2012 03 13 17:05:00
MERGE: Large radio burst from M8 flare
2012 03 14 15:08:00
HI: Decimetric burst from an M3 flare: no low frequency emission, weak microwaves
2012 04 18 12:33:00
HI: Gradual C9 flare with decimetric burst, LO data bad
2012 04 18 16:54:00
HI: C5 flare with decimetric emission
2012 04 23 20:08:00
HI: Decimetric emission, no flare reported
2012 05 07 14:05:00
HI: M2 flare from a region different from the one producing the III+blob events
2012 05 09 21:01:00
HI: Decimetric emission from an M4 flare
2012 05 17 01:27:00
BIRS: West-limb M5 flare with large particle event, small GLE
2012 05 27 12:05:00
HI: I have no idea what this is - RSTN did report 610 MHz bursts, could be Type IV from long-duration C3 much earlier
2012 05 27 16:06:00
HI: More of the same.
2012 06 06 19:54:30
MERGE: M2 flare with decimetric emission and a II with high cutoff frequency
2012 06 14 13:20:00
HI: Long-duration M2 flare with strong decimetric IV
2012 07 04 04:19:30
BIRS: M2 flare, Type IV starting at end of displayed range
2012 08 15 03:35:00
BIRS: Complex of emission from several B flares, looks like Type IV towards the end
2012 09 02 03:20:00
BIRS: Type IV from earlier flare or noise storm, not clear which
2012 10 09 01:40:00
BIRS: Reported continuum, not clear if Type IV from an event or noise storm