Stephen White
Solar and Stellar Radio Astronomy
*Supported by the National Science Foundation and NASA
Publications and resources
HTML version of the Powerpoint talk given at the Noordwijk meeting on Solar
and Stellar Coronae: The
Radio Sun. You should set your browser to at least 900 pixels wide
and 900 deep: there should be 3 windows (slides, navigation, notes) plus
navigation arrows at the bottom below the Notes window. Fonts may not appear
correctly in Unix or Linux because the PowerPoint fonts are not available:
you can make it look better by setting your browser to use the fonts you
specify, not the document fonts.
- A drop-in version of the SolarSoft GOES toolbench widget that
allows a choice of abundances in calculating the temperature and
emission measure, and uses up-to-date CHIANTI spectral models, is
described in the Solar Physics paper by White, Thomas, Schwartz, 2005.
Updated responses are available in SolarSoft (you want
goes_chianti_tem.pro, goes_get_chianti_em.pro and
goes_get_chianti_temp.pro, or just use the goes widget in SolarSoft).
Current for GOES 14 (assumes GOES 15 is identical for the moment).
- There are now IDL routines to read and plot
dynamic radio spectra of solar radio bursts from the Air Force RSTN
network of patrol telescopes in the NGDC package of Solarsoft that are
versions of my original routines,
improved by Sam Freeland (the Solarsoft versions use UNIX sockets
instead of wget) and made compatible with Solarsoft practices.
The plotting routine needs the
NASA/Goddard and JHUAPL libraries of IDL routines, partially included within
Solarsoft (gen/idl/fund_lib).
Other custom routines are included in the file. Let me know
if there are problems. The routine will download data that Helen Coffey
thankfully has worked hard to obtain for NGDC (the download might use a
mirror at LMSAL in Solarsoft) but it
is best for you to check first that data are available at
Frequency-Agile Solar Radiotelescope
(FASR) project home page at NJIT.
FASR is a solar-dedicated radio telescope which will combine imaging
capability better than the VLA with high spectral resolution. It will operate
in the core frequency range 0.3-30 GHz, and will be a multi-purpose instrument
capable of studying virtually every phenomenon in the solar atmophere,
with particular emphasis on electron acceleration in solar flares and magnetic
fields in the corona and in solar flare energy release regions.
The concept has now been recommended amongst the top scientific priorities
for medium-sized projects by the current NRC Astronomy
and Astrophysics Survey Committee (the "McKee-Taylor decadal report"):
both brief
fuller (9 MB file)
descriptions of the project are available.
In addition, a PDF version of the FASR poster is available here.
The BIMA (Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland
Array millimeter-wavelength radio telescope) home page.
The Yohkoh week
converter (1991 - 2006) and TRACE-Yohkoh
flare list
College Park
Image Gallery

Click on one of these links for text and further images:

E-mail: white@astro.umd.edu
*"Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed
in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF) or the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA)."