Summary Presentation to the Final Plenary Session
Group Presentations
Tim Bastian: "The solar flare of 2001 Oct 24: A
cool, dense flare
A flare with a simple time profile but a peculiar spectrum that allows
time-dependent determination of density and temperature in the corona.
Frantisek Farnik: "Correlation between HXR and
reverse-drift bursts
The results of a search for detailed agreement between HXR emission and
downgoing electron beams identified in radio spectrograms.
time-dependent determination of density and temperature in the corona.
Mukul Kundu: "RHESSI and microwave imaging of the 2003
Jun 17 flare.
One of the rare events in which imaging above 100 keV is possible.
Monique Pick: "Radio Bursts and CMEs
An investigation of an event on 2002 March 17 in which the location and
motion of Type III bursts suggest a model for their production involving
a CME.
Monique Pick: "Radio Emission from the 2003 October 28
Describes the wave seen in radio imaging observations of the huge flare
on 2003 October 28.
Pascal St Hilaire: "X-rays from Type-III emitting
electron beams
This work combines modelling and data analysis to investigate whether we
should be able to see hard X-rays from upward-travelling electron beams
leaving an electron acceleration site if there is symmetry between the
upgoing and downgoing electron numbers.
Stephen White: "Coronal connectivity in flares
revealed by HXR and radio observations
Presentations at Joint Session with WG2
"Submillimeter emission from flares: pions, electrons or just hot
Gerard Trottet: "Origin of radio emission above 100 GHz
Ron Murphy: "High energy pions in solar flares
Tim Bastian: "On possible thermal emission at high frequencies