Ramsey Karim's Astronomy Department Home Page
Name:Ramsey Karim Title:Graduate Student Room:PSC 1239 Phone: E-mail:rlkarim@umd.edu |
Ramsey Karim is a fifth year graduate student at UMD, working with adviser Prof. Lee Mundy. His interests include radio/IR observation and analysis as well as astronomical applications of computer science. He did his Master's work with Prof. Mundy on constraining hydrogen mass present in star-forming molecular clouds. Now a PhD student, he currently works with Xander Tielens, Marc Pound, Maitraiyee Tiwari, and Mark Wolfire on obtaining kinematic and energetic information from SOFIA [CII] observations of photodissociation regions (PDRs).
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ADS Listing for Ramsey Karim
Astro-PH Listing for Ramsey Karim