Awards Won by UMD Astronomers
This page lists people currently in the Department of Astronomy and Graduates of the Department of Astronomy who have won any of the awards, medals, or honors described on the associated web pages.
Current faculty (including emeriti)
- Alberto Bolatto
- Simons Foundation Sabbatical Visiting Researcher, 2021
- Humboldt Foundation Fraunhofer-Bessel Research Award, 2013
- Research Corporation Cottrell Scholar, 2010
- NSF Early CAREER Award, 2010
- Antarctica Service Medal, NSF, 2000
- L. Drake Deming
- Beatrice Tinsley Prize, AAS, 2010
- Benedikt Diemer
- Einstein Fellow, 2018
- Suvi Gezari
- Fred Kavli Plenary Lecture, AAS, 2020
- Board of Visitors Junior Faculty Award, UMD/CMNS, 2016
- NSF Early CAREER Award, 2015
- Douglas P. Hamilton
- Group Achievement Award (New Horizons Team), NASA, 2016
- Board of Regents' Faculty Award for Scholarship, UMD, 2010
- Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching, UMD/CMPS, 1997 and 2008
- Harold C. Urey Prize, DPS-AAS, 1999
- NSF Early CAREER Award, 1999
- J. Patrick Harrington (emeritus)
- Andrew Harris
- Eliza Kempton
- NSF Early CAREER Award, 2017
- Research Corporation Cottrell Scholar, 2016
- Research Corporation Cottrell College Science Award, 2015
- M. Coleman Miller
- Radboud Excellence professor at Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 2020
- Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching, UMD/CMPS, 2004
- Compton Fellow, NASA, 1994
- Lee Mundy
- Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching, UMD/CMPS, 2000(?)
- Richard Mushotzky
- 2022 Henry Norris Russell Lecturer
- 2021 AAS Fellow
- NASA Distinguished Service Medal, 2011
- NASA/Goddard Award of Merit, 2010
- K. (Dennis) Papadopoulos (emeritus)
- Award for Achievement in the Physical Sciences, Washington Academy of Sciences, 1978
- E. O. Hulburt Award for Science, Naval Research Laboratory, 1977
- Fellow, American Physical Society
- Derek Richardson
- Kirwan Faculty Research and Scholarship Prize, UMD, 2020
- Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching, UMD/CMNS, 2016
- Distinguished Scholar-Teacher, UMD, 2019
- Massimo Ricotti
- Jessica Sunshine
- SAIC Technology Fellow, Awarded, 2005
- Elected to SAIC's Engineering, Science, and Technology Council (ESTC), 2005.
- Science and Technical Performance Award, Research Development, Test & Evaluation Group, "For outstanding contributions and innovative work in providing leading edge technological solutions to SAIC's customers", October 2005.
- Patent #6,608,931 Abacus®: A Method for Selecting Representative Endmember Components from Spectral Data, 2003
- Virginia Trimble
- George Van Biesbroeck Prize, AAS, 2010
- Sylvain Veilleux
- Clare Hall Life Membership, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2019
- Kavli Lecturer, Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge (KICC), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2019
- Clare Hall Visiting Fellowship, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2019
- Raymond and Beverley Sackler Distinguished Visitor, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2019
- Aspen Institute Italia Award, 2017
- Guggenheim Fellow, 2014
- Humboldt Prize, Humboldt Foundation, 2008
- NSF Early CAREER Award, 1999
- Research Corporation Cottrell Scholar, 1998
- Hubble Fellow, 1992
- Stuart Vogel
- NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1987
UMD Astronomers in the Sky
The following asteroids have been named by the International Astronomical Union for (current and former) faculty members and graduates of the department.
- (2956) Yeomans (Donald K. Yeomans, Ph.D. 1970)
- (3066) McFadden (Lucy Ann McFadden, faculty)
- (3192) A'Hearn (Michael F. A'Hearn, faculty)
- (3536) Schleicher (David G. Schleicher, Ph.D. 1983)
- (3742) Sunshine (Jessica Sunshine, faculty)
- (4201) Orosz (Elizabeth Orosz Warner, faculty)
- (4958) Wellnitz (Dennis D. Wellnitz, faculty)
- (7987) Walshkevin (Kevin Walsh, Ph.D. 2006)
- (9529) Protopapa (Silvia Protopapa, faculty)
- (9530) Kelleymichael (Michael Kelley, faculty)
- (9536) Statler (Tom Statler, faculty)
- (10033) Bodewits (Dennis Bodewits, faculty)
- (10280) Yequanzhi (Quanzhi Ye, faculty)
- (12225) Yanfernández (Yanga R. Fernández, Ph.D. 1999)
- (12226) Caseylisse (Carey M. Lisse, Ph.D. 1992)
- (12494) Doughamilton (Douglas P. Hamilton, faculty)
- (12517) Grayzeck (Edwin J. Grayzeck, Ph.D. 1974)
- (12527) Anneraugh (Anne C. Raugh, faculty)
- (12566) Derichardson (Derek C. Richardson, faculty)
- (12859) Marlamoore (Marla H. Moore, Ph.D. 1981)
- (12871) Samarasinha (Nalin H. Samarasinha, Ph.D. 1992)
- (13001) Woodney (Laura P. Woodney, Ph.D. 2000)
- (13723) Kolokolova (Ludmilla Kolokolova, faculty)
- (15522) Trueblood (Mark Trueblood, MS 1983)
- (16232) Chijagerbs (Gerbs Bauer, faculty)
- (16280) Groussin (Olivier Groussin, faculty)
- (16405) Testudo (name sug. by ASTR315, Sp2024)
- (16946) Farnham (Tony L. Farnham, faculty)
- (16986) Archivestef (Stephanie McLaughlin, faculty)
- (21495) Feaga (Lori Feaga, faculty)
- (21496) Lijianyang (Jianyang Li, faculty)
- (22783) Teng (Stacy Teng, Ph.D. 2010)
- (25053) Matthewknight (Matthew Knight, Ph.D. 2008)
- (27227) McAdam (Maggie McAdam , Ph.D. 2017)
- (28594) Ronaldballouz (Ron Ballouz, Ph.D. 2017)
- (28788) Hayes-Gehrke (Melissa Hayes-Gehrke, faculty)
- (28888) Agrusa (Harrison Agrusa, Ph.D. 2022)
- (29632) Yaejikim(Yaeji Kim, faculty)
- (30228) Hushoucun (Shoucun Hu, faculty)
- (30411) Besse (Sébastien Besse, faculty)
- (32191) Bensharkey (Benjamin Sharkey, faculty)
- (32604) Meganmansfield (Megan Mansfield, faculty)
- (42175) Yuyang (Yang Yu, faculty)
- (43081) Stephenschwartz (Steve Schwartz, Ph.D. 2013)
- (46208) Gicquel (Adeline Brodtke Gicquel, faculty)
- (53537) Zhangyun (Yun Zhang, faculty)
- (249522) Johndailey (John Dailey, faculty)